The Ultimate Film and TV Spoiler Guide

Over the years, thanks to the power of technology and social networking, avoiding spoilers has become a way of life. If you somehow missed any from 1929 to now, here they are: the most jarring and unforgettable moments in film and television history that you couldn’t stand to keep to yourself.

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'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari': The entire movie is one big flashback.Everett Collection
'Gone With The Wind': He didn't get the girl, but frankly he didn't give a damn. Everett Collection
'Citizen Kane': "Rosebud" is his sled.Everett Collection
'Casablanca': He doesn't get the girl. Everett Collection
'The Big Sleep': The slutty sister, Carmen, is the killer. Everett Collection
'Shane': Shane leaves and doesn't come back.Everett Collection
'Psycho': Norman Bates and his mother are the same person. Everett Collection
'Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' George's and Martha’s son isn’t real. Everett Collection
'Planet of the Apes (1968)': It was Earth the whole time. Everett Collection
'Soylent Green': "Soylent Green is people," and everyone in the community is a cannibal.Everett Collection
'Friday the 13th': Mrs. Voorhees is the killer.Everett Collection
'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back': Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.Everett Collection
'Dallas': Kristin shot J.R.Everett Collection
'The Shining': Jack Torrance is a ghost. (Sorta?)Everett Collection
'Tron': Rinzler is Tron.Everett Collection
'The Crying Game': Dil has a penis. Everett Collection
'The Usual Suspects': Roger 'Verbal' Kint is Keyser Söze.Everett Collection
'Se7en': Her head is in the box. Everett Collection
'Primal Fear': There is no Aaron, there's only Roy, and he's been faking it the entire movie. Everett Collection
'Fargo': Carl Showalter ends up a wood chipper.Everett Collection
'Titanic': It sinks and Jack freezes to death. Everett Collection
'The Matrix': Neo is The One. Oh, and he takes the Red Pill.Everett Collection
'The Sixth Sense': Dr. Malcom Crowe has been dead the whole time.Everett Collection
'Fight Club': Tyler Durden isn’t real, but a figment of The Narrator's split personality. Everett Collection
'American Beauty': Colonel Fitts kills Lester Bernham.YouTube
'American Psycho': The whole thing might have been in Patrick’s mind.Everett Collection
'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Season Five: Buffy dies to save mankind.Fox/Netflix
'Memento': Sammy Jankis' story is actually Leonard Shelby's.Everett Collection
'Requiem for a Dream': THAT scene where Marion whores herself out for heroin. Photo courtesy Everett Collection
'Unbreakable': Elijah Prince is Mr. Glass. Everett Collection
'The Others': The Stewarts are ghosts.Photo: Everett Collection
'A Beautiful Mind': John Nash's friends are delusions.Everett Collection
'Donnie Darko': The jet engine actually does kill Donnie.Everett Collection
'The Wire': Omar is shot by some kid.
HBO/Everett Collection
'Identity': None of the victims were real, but split personalities of one “host.”Everett Collection
'Oldboy': He does it with his daughter. Ick. Everett Collection
'The Village': They're actually living in modern times. Everett Collection
'Saw': The guy who has been playing dead the entire movie is "Jigsaw."Photo: Everett Collection
'The Skeleton Key': Papa and Mama Justify are actually souls continuously looking for new vessels.Everett Collection
'The Prestige': Borden is a twin. Everett Collection
'The Sopranos' Season Six finale: It just...ends. HBO
'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince': Snape kills Dumbledore. Everett Collection
'Orphan': Esther is not a little girl, but a 33-year-old dwarf.Everett Collection
'Black Swan': Nina stabbed herself, not Lily. Everett Collection
'The Cabin in the Woods': Their whole world in the woods is controlled by a group of scientists. Everett Collection
'The Walking Dead': The hated Lori dies.AMC/Netflix
'Mad Men': Lane Pryce hangs himself. AMC/Netflix
'The Killing': Rosie Larsen’s killer is actually her aunt. AMC/Everett Collection
'Game of Thrones' Season Three, Episode 9 "The Rains of Castamere" aka "The Red Wedding": The Starks are dead. HBO
'House of Cards' Season 2, Episode 1, "Chapter 14": Frank Underwood throws Zoe Barnes into an oncoming train. Netflix