My First Time

My First Time … Watching ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

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Can you believe that Grey’s Anatomy is about to begin its TENTH season? With all of the various casting shake-ups and serious off-screen turmoil the show has endured, it’s a minor miracle that the ABC drama has stood the test of time. Even creator Shonda Rhimes would admit that her first big TV smash is entering its final throes, but with the new season kicking off tonight, I think it’s about time for me to get on board.

It’s not that I have anything against Grey’s, it’s just that my precious TV time on Thursday is usually scheduled around the CW (see The Vampire Diaries and Reign). That and the fact that needles and blood make me squeamish, no matter how cheesy it may look. But for one day, I’m willing to put my fears aside for the sake of Meredith Grey and Seattle Grace.

Now without further ado, this is My First Time watching Grey’s Anatomy, Season 1, Episode 1.

0:08 Great, not even ten seconds in and already a sighting of blood and needles. Sorry, but not even Ellen Pompeo’s voiceover can put my stomach at ease. This is going to be a long 43 minutes.

0:20 And just who is that naked man laying on the floor…

0:23 Oh, it’s Patrick Dempsey! For that face, I will suck it up with the slicing and dicing in the operating room.

1:46 Wait?! Why are you shooing Patrick Dempsey away? Who cares if you have work, if that man is in your house YOU. MUST. STAY.

2:39 Katherine Heigl had bangs? My, how times have changed.

4:58 Hmm, I wonder what over-eager intern is writing in his note pad? He’ll probably be the standout of the class and the ultimate suck up. Come to think of it, between the four of them I’d want him operating on me the most.

5:35 And now that the interns are dealing with their first patient ever, I feel that blood is about to be spilled. Think Dempsey, think Dempsey.

7:50 I don’t know who’s more nervous, Izzie, the patient, or me?

Let’s go with Izzie, her face says it all. Can’t say I had to do that on my first day of work. Or well, ever.

9:49 Called it, I knew Georgie would be the best of the bunch. But will he keep his title of “top intern?” If this is like any other TV drama I’ve seen (medical-related or not), I’m going to go with no.

11:02 So Meredith’s one night stand not only happens to be Patrick Dempsey, but her boss. Things are about to get really, really awkward around Seattle Grace.

13:13 Not to sound like a total stickler or anything, but shouldn’t these interns be doing something besides betting on whether or not George is going to flub his first surgery? I mean, they work in a hospital. Isn’t there a patient that needs tending to?

15:08 Umm, can I retract my previous statement allowing George to operate on me? With a nickname like 007 a.k.a. “license to kill,” I’d much rather leave my life in the hands of an actual doctor.

19:04 So is intern Alex going to go after Meredith? Last time I checked (which was a good ten minutes ago), Dr. Dempsey had his eye on her. Also, Alex seems like a total tool. Stay clear, Mer. Stay clear!

20:04 OMG, I’m freaking out about as much as Meredith’s bratty patient is. Please no needles or blood. Please no needles or blood.

23:51 Oh, so 007 is making promises about a patient surviving surgery. Something tells me this isn’t going to end well, for both Georgie and the patient.

29:27 Yay! Meredith and Christina save the day—but Meredith scores with Derek… in the OR that is. Christina is totally putting Meredith on her “I thought she was my friend, but she’s actually a backstabber” list.

31:21 007, please keep your mouth shut next time! If you keep making deadly false promises, you’re going to kill everyone in the hospital.

36:56 Boom! And that, my friends, is how you school someone in medical lingo.

39:09 So Grey’s is giving me a blood, needles, and Dempsey combo. I’m trying to focus on the man candy, but the scalpels are super distracting. Get it together, girl!

41:56 Whoa now, did not see that twist coming! Did her mother’s condition drive Meredith into med school? So many questions and only seconds in the episode left!!

Final Thoughts: I have to hand it to Shonda Rhimes, the woman knows the right ingredients to create a great TV show. Intriguing characters, a unique setting, and plenty of drama to go around. It’s no wonder that Grey’s has accumulated a cult-like following over the past nine years. Looking back to the pilot, I can’t even fathom the amount of twists and turns that this show has taken over the course of ten seasons.

Like most pilot episodes, however, the acting is a bit shaky. I’m sure it’s because Ellen Pompeo, Katherine Heigl, and Patrick Dempsey are just starting to get a feel of who their characters are. The beauty of that is the interns are in the exact same boat. Not only are they dipping their toes into the shark-infested waters of Seattle Grace, but they’re going to decide whether or not the medical life is for them.

All I can say is one episode down and nine seasons to go.


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Photos: ABC