Did Mark Hamill Spoil The Ending Of ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ — 8 Years Ago?

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J.J. Abrams has been trying to film Star Wars: Episode VII in almost complete secrecy, but that hasn’t meant that plot details and set photos haven’t leaked from the set. In the last week, a number of very convincing rumors exploded onto the internet. We’re not going to print them here because they might not be true, and even if they are true, we don’t want to be responsible for spoiling a movie that hasn’t come out yet. (If you want to spoil yourself, however, click here.)

However, a commenter on a Star Wars fan site was able to connect the biggest potential spoiler — the new “Luke, I am your father” moment, if you will — to something Mark Hamill himself said to J.J. Abrams 8 years ago.

In 2006, Hamill appeared with Abrams on an episode of IFC’s Dinner For Five. Kevin Smith was hosting, so naturally, the subject of Star Wars came up. Hamill shared some interesting stories about working with George Lucas, opened up about his thoughts on the prequels, and pitched his theory for what would happen to Luke Skywalker after Return of the Jedi. Again, watch this at your own risk because it matches up with the latest crop of internet rumors:

[youtube https://youtu.be/nAYwQIERib4?t=10m47s]

Of course, the coolest part about all this is that Hamill is making almost direct eye contact with Abrams while he’s sharing all this. It gives the whole video an ample dose of irony, but it also should give internet spoiler hunters some pause. Abrams has never been afraid of playing a long game when it comes to hiding plot details — nor has Kevin Smith. Abrams and the cast of Star Trek Into Darkness repeatedly lied to the press about the identity of Benedict Cumberbatch’s character and it was rumored earlier this year that Smith was hired to write and leak a fake Batman v. Superman script. These guys love a long con. So, does this mean that Abrams drew inspiration for the sequel trilogy from this conversation or did Hamill merely inspire a carefully leaked red herring?

Guys, it’s going to be a long 15 months before Star Wars: Episode VII comes out and we finally discover what’s actually going on. And, you know, at the very least, this is still a really cool video to watch. Abrams even dishes on working with Harrison “Han Solo” Ford on Regarding Henry! Cool! (But not as cool as Star Wars rumors…)

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