Final Shots: Kyle Chandler Returns To TV In ‘Bloodline’

Coach Taylor is back, only this time he’s probably not going to be the kind and nurturing figure you remember. Kyle Chandler‘s next series, Bloodline, finally has a trailer and it’s rather ominous. The clip consists solely of footage of a burning boat, over which Chandler, via voice over, tells us, “We’re not bad people. But we did a bad thing.” From the creators of Damages, the Netflix original stars Chandler, Ben Mendelsohn and Linda Cardellini. March 2015 can’t get here fast enough.

  • Christian Bale is set to play Steve Jobs in the Aaron Sorkin-penned biopic of the Apple co-founder, which will almost surely be better than last year’s Ashton Kutcher-starring Jobs. [Bloomberg]
  • Everything old will be new again. The 2005 Will Smith-starring romcom Hitch is being adapted for TV by Fox. [NYPost]
  • In case anyone doubted the power of Christopher Nolan, Interstellar is getting the largest Imax roll-out of all time. The company has lined up 770 engagements worldwide for the sci-fi flick, which stars Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. [THR]
  • Everything you need to know about trenchcoat-wearing magician/occult detective/con man at the center of NBC’s Constantine, the latest comic book-turned-TV show. [Vulture]
  • Our friends over at Mommyish have some solid tips about which super annoying shows you should never, ever watch with your kids. [Mommyish]