Stream and Scream

15 Disturbing Moments From David Lynch

Surrealist director David Lynch, notorious for making audiences go, “Huh?” for the last thirty years, is a horror movie director disguised as a post-noir artist. From his earliest animated short films to his most acclaimed features, Lynch has time and again made us cringe and cover our eyes from his subtly terrifying imagery. Often paired with shrieking scores and shadowy frames, Lynch plays with the subconscious using floaty, nightmarish sequences rather than having masked monsters jump out from the darkness. Just in time for Halloween, here are the most unsettling, chaotic, and disturbing moments from Lynch’s body of work.

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'Six Men Getting Sick' (1966): This brief short has men suffering from some serious bouts of indigestion.Hulu Plus
'The Alphabet' (1968): Oh, hey there weird, diseased penis.Hulu Plus
'The Alphabet' (1968): So. Slimy...Hulu Plus
'The Alphabet' (1968): Just a creepy child creepily reciting her ABCs.Hulu Plus
'The Grandmother' (1970): Here, we have a father repeatedly shoving his son's face into orange-colored urine. Hulu Plus
'The Grandmother' (1970): The same abused boy grows a tree in his room and pets a vaginal-like hole for a while.Hulu Plus
'Eraserhead' (1977): First, we have a man with a bad case of what looks like the shingles perched in the window. Next, we have some ectoplasm escaping Henry's mouth.Hulu Plus
'Eraserhead' (1977): This is what happens when you try to feed your mutant baby some human-baby baby food. Hulu Plus
'Eraserhead' (1977): Mmm, can't wait for Thanksgiving!Hulu Plus
'Eraserhead' (1977): Suddenly, the mutant child has WARTS. Also, peer into its mouth if you dare.Hulu Plus
'Eraserhead' (1977): Man, 'American Horror Story: Freak Show' missed out on one hell of a casting opportunity.Hulu Plus
'Premonition Following An Evil Deed' (1995): Just passing through, nothing weird going on here at all. Hulu Plus
'Lost Highway' (1997): Stop giggling. Please. It's terrifying.YouTube
'Mulholland Drive' (2001): Talk about a nightmare.Giphy
'Mulholland Drive' (2001): And finally, lurking behind your local diner is this fine fellow. Thank you, David Lynch, for making daytime scary.YouTube

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