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8 Controversial Films That Pissed Off The Populace Long Before ‘The Interview’

It’s official: Sony Pictures has no further release plans for controversial comedy The Interview, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco. After both major theater chains and independent screens dropped the film in a domino effect yesterday, Sony released a statement explaining why they can’t go through releasing the film — even on VOD and DVD — in the wake of 9/11-like threats against theaters from hacker group, Guardians of Peace. It has been confirmed that North Korea is directly linked to the hackathon and threats against the American public.

A theater in Dallas, Texas will be screening Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s Team America: World Police in place of The Interview, which reminded us this surely isn’t the first time film has pissed off the greater populace. Here are eight controversial comedies, dramas, and documentaries that got audiences bent out of shape before opening credits even got a chance to roll.

UPDATE: Screenings of Team America: World Police have also been cancelled in the wake of hacker threats.


'Zero Dark Thirty' (2012)

Photo: Everett Collection

After shedding light on the CIA’s interrogation tactics, Kathryn Bigelow’s imagining of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, starring Jessica Chastain, was under serious scrutiny, causing much debate over whether the film was an endorsement for or a screed against the use of torture. [Watch Zero Dark Thirty on Amazon Instant Video]


'Borat' (2006)

Photo: Everett Collection

The Sacha Baron Cohen comedy pissed off just about everyone from Russia (where it was banned) and Kazakhstan (whose foreign ministry threatened to sue Cohen) to Uzbekistan — and even people who participated in the film who claimed Cohen was banking off their appearances in the film and not spreading the wealth. If there’s one thing everyone can agree on when it comes to Borat, it’s that no one can say “my wife” without immediately giggling. [Watch Borat on Amazon Instant Video]


'United 93' (2006)

Photo: Everett Collection

The overall complaint surrounding the release of this film was, “too soon.” Director Paul Greengrass wanted to give audiences an idea of what it was like inside the hijacked Flight 93, offering an account of the heroic passengers who banded together. But instead of being in awe, audiences were just plain upset. [Watch United 93 on Netflix]


'The Watch' (2012)

Photo: Everett Collection

The sci-fi buddy comedy starring Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, and Jonah Hill was originally titled Neighborhood Watch, but when unarmed teen Trayvon Martin was gunned down by local neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, 20th Century Fox thought it better to tweak the title so people wouldn’t associate the goofy flick with the death of a teenager. [Watch The Watch on on Amazon Instant Video]


'Let's Be Cops' (2014)

Photo: Everett Collection

Studios rarely think their film will be released around the same time as a national tragedy, but it happens — and it happened with the Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans, Jr. comedy Let’s Be Cops. Poor reviews aside, no one went to see the film over the summer amidst the peril in Ferguson, Missouri. [Watch Let’s Be Cops if you really want to on iTunes]


'Kiss The Girls' (1997)

Photo: Everett Collection

While it wasn’t connected to a national tragedy, it was hard to see to 1997 thriller if you lived in Virginia. Residents saw a lot of similarities between the movie and some real-life murders of teenage girls in the mid- to late-’90s. While one might complain about that it was censorship, community leaders argued that the film would only encourage fear-mongering in the wake of the teens’ murders. —Tyler Coates [Watch Kiss the Girls on Netflix]


'Fahrenheit 9/11' (2004)

Photo: Everett Collection

Though it took home the Palme d’Or at Cannes, the Michael Moore documentary was excluded from the Best Picture category at the 2005 Academy Awards for its accusations against the Bush Administration, claiming direct involvement with the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In fact, Moore angered so many people that the film spawned its own counter-documentary called Fahrenhype 9/11. [Fahrenheit 9/11 is not yet available on streaming]


'Team America: World Police' (2004)

Photo: Everett Collection

“AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!” Parker and Stone’s puppet propaganda parody got some folks real bent out of shape, not only about the political and racial commentary, but also that super weird sex scene. Plus, it featured a puppet version of Kim Jong-un’s dad, Kim Jong-il. [Watch Team America: World Police on Netflix]