10 TV Deaths We Never Got Over (GALLERY)

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Photo: HBO

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SHOW: 24
EPISODE: Season 1, Episode 24
Right after Teri discovers that she is pregnant she accidentally learns that Nina is the mole within CTU. Teri tries to escape but fails when Nina shoots her. Jack finds Teri lying on the floor and realizes that she is dead. He holds her in his arms and the season ends with its first ever silent clock in honor of Teri. [Where to stream 24]

Photo: Fox

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SHOW: Dawson's Creek
EPISODE: Season 6, Episode 24
CHARACTER: Jen Lindley
On the series finale of the show, which took place five years in the future, Jen is a single mother. She attends the wedding of Gail Leery (Dawson's mom) and suddenly collapses. It is then revealed that Jen is suffering from an incurable inoperable heart condition and that she is going to die. Before she dies, Jen has Dawson help her make a video so that her daughter has something to remember her by. When Jen is about to die in the hospital Grams whispers "I'll see you soon child," because Grams is sick with breast cancer and she is going to die too. The only thing that saved the episode from being a complete blubbering fest is that Joey and Pacey ended up together. So there's that I guess. [Where to stream Dawson's Creek]

Photo: The WB

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SHOW: Scandal
EPISODE: Season 3, Episode 14
CHARACTER: James Novak
When James, Cyrus's better half, finds out what really happened to Daniel Langston (Sally killed him!) Jake decides that James simply knows too much. Jake shoots James in the street along with two innocent women. James doesn't die quickly either, but being the nice assassin that he is, Jake sits with James until he dies. [Where to stream Scandal]

Photo: Netflix

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Ned Stark on Game Of Thrones (2001)
When Robert dies and Joffrey takes the throne Ned speaks out against Joffrey being king. Ned is incarcerated and taken to the steps of the Great Sept of Balor. With Arya and Sansa watching, and with Joffrey smirking, Ned is beheaded in front of a large crowd. This marked the first time a major character was killed off of the show and it certainly set a precedent for future episodes. [Where to stream Game of Thrones]

Photo: HBO

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SHOW: Lost
EPISODE: Season 3, Episode 22
CHARACTER: Charlie Pace
Charlie willingly goes on a suicide mission to try and fix the signal that is jamming all of the communication off of the island. He successfully does so and is able to speak with Penny, Desmond's girlfriend, and find out that she did not send the rescuers to the island. Mikhail then floods the room that Charlie is in. Knowing he is going to die, Charlie does one final heroic act. He finds a marker and writes "Not Penny's boat" on his hand and presses it to the window so that Desmond can see it. This effectively saves (for now) all of the others stuck on the island. [Where to stream Lost]

Photo: Netflix

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SHOW: One Tree Hill
EPISODE: Season 3, Episode 16
CHARACTER: Keith Scott
Keith was killed during the school shooting episode. After trying, and failing, to get Jimmy Edwards, the school shooter, to put down his gun Keith is seen kneeling over Jimmy's dead body. Dan, Keith's evil brother, walks inside and shoots Keith in cold blood. Dan ends up blaming the whole thing on Jimmy. [Where to stream One Tree Hill]

Photo: Netflix

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SHOW: How I Met Your Mother
EPISODE: Season 9, Episode 24
CHARACTER: Tracy Mosby (AKA The Mother)
After nine seasons of waiting to find out who the mysterious mother is, it was finally revealed. And then she died. She died and Ted ended up with Robin. We don't even know anything about how she died other than she got sick and died in the hospital. Though we barely got to actually know the character, we did get to know her. We got to know her over nine seasons of stories all about how everything happened so that Ted could end up with her. They were destined to be together. And then they didn't end up together. Infuriating! [Where to stream How I Met Your Mother]

Photo: Netflix

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Marissa Cooper on The O.C. (2006)
Right after the gang graduates high school Ryan drives Marissa to the airport so that she can go spend the summer with her dad. On the way, the horrible Volchok runs Marissa and Ryan off of the road and causes their car to flip. Though Marissa was never my favorite character, watching her die in the middle of the street in Ryan's arms was sob inducing. [Where to stream The O.C.]

Photo: Fox

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SHOW: House of Cards
EPISODE: Season 2, Episode 1
I was never particularly attached to Zoe as a character, but when Frank pushed her onto the tracks in the season two premiere it was shocking. By killing off a main character, and by having Frank be the one to kill her, it changed the entire course of the show. [Where to stream House of Cards]

Photo: Netflix

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SHOW: Grey's Anatomy
EPISODE: Season 11, Episode 21
CHARACTER: Derek Shepherd
Derek gets in a car accident and ends up at a podunk hospital. From a voice over of Derek's thoughts we are able to hear what the doctors should be doing to save Derek while watching them do something completely different. The surgeon does not show up for over an hour. While waiting for the surgeon we hear Derek think "it's too late." Meredith gets to the hospital and she is told that Derek is on life support. What follows is the heartbreaking scene where Meredith watches as a nurse takes Derek off of life support, flashbacks of their life together play, and "Chasing Cars" is playing in the background. [Where to stream Grey's Anatomy]

Photo: ABC