‘BoJack Horseman’ Recap, Episode 207: The One ‘Not’ About Bill Cosby

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We’re finally at Season Two’s “Hank After Dark,” and BoJack Horseman isn’t pulling any punches.

We open at the 1994 Animal Choice Awards, where BoJack, Mr. Peanutbutter, and Hank Hippopopalus, are nominated for the same award. Unsurprisingly, Hank (Philip Baker Hall) wins.

Afterwards, he tells BoJack, “You can’t beat Uncle Hanky. That’s just the way it is.”

Back in present day, BoJack and Diane are going on a book tour to promote One Trick Pony’s paperback edition. At the airport, Princess Carolyn reminds BoJack to be on his best behavior because he has a movie to promote.

Meanwhile, Mr. Peanutbutter is taking promo shots with his idol, Uncle Hanky because Hank’s “Hey, I Think You Can Dance” is the lead in for Mr. Peautbutter’s new show.

In Juneau, Diane and BoJack are on the Q-and-A portion of the tour’s first stop. BoJack manages to navigate his way through a sticky question, and things are looking up…until someone asks Diane a question.

While explaining how she thought One Trick Pony‘s revealing material would affect BoJack’s career, Diane mentions that there are several celebrities who have done worse things and have recovered career-wise, including Mike Tyson, Woody Allen, and Uncle Hanky.

This last one catches the audience off guard, and they immediately jump to Hank’s defense. Diane counters that eight of his assistants have publicly made the same allegations against Hank, and Google proves her right. The story of Diane vs. Uncle Hanky immediately appears on MSNBSea.

During the tour’s stop in Tallahassee, Mr. Peanutbutter asks Diane to please not continue her feud with Hank because it’s bad press for his show. She agrees completely, wanting to put the incident behind her.

Back inside the bookstore, people start attacking Diane, especially one man (or cockroach). According to him, Hank’s assistants are to blame because they don’t care about potentially ruining a man’s life. Diane finally snaps, deciding to engage with the controversy.

Back on MSNBSea, Diane goes on air, accusing Hank of these unnamed allegations even though “he’s a really nice guy.” Tom Jumbo-Grumbo says that it’s a classic he said, she said case, and Diane corrects him. Eight women made allegations. Were they all lying?

A pissed-off Wanda tells BoJack to stop Diane. Hank is the only thing keeping MBN afloat. It’s also the same network employing Diane’s husband.

Getting off track…it’s a racing thing.

The Prince of Cordovia is visiting Los Angeles this week, and, strangely, he looks very similar to a certain freeloader we know. Cue a Prince and Pauper-style B plot.

BoJack and Diane then go to Manatee Fair, where they meet Amanda Hannity, Editor-in-Chief. Diane pitches an expose on Hank to Amanda, and she immediately accepts the piece, saying:

“When we know what we know about a monster like that and we still put him on TV every week, we’re teaching a generation of young boys and girls that a man’s reputation is more important than the lives of the women he’s ruined.”

Diane needs to talk to someone willing to go on record, but all of Hank’s former assistants have turned her down. However, Amanda has a connection to his current assistant. Bingo.

Diane waits for the assistant in a parking garage, but instead she meets Uncle Hanky. He tries to bully Diane into saying that he didn’t do any of the things she’s accusing him of, but Diane refuses to back down. He ends their encounter by saying people aren’t going to forgive her for what she’s doing to him. He’s Hank Hippopopalous. Who the hell is she?

Back at Manatee Fair, Amanda decides to kill the story after talking to her bosses, who incidentally, own the network Hank’s show is on. Diane storms out.

Getting off track…

Remember when Todd switched places with the Prince of Cordovia? He’s back, but he may have started a civil war. Hooray…?

Diane can’t understand why BoJack won’t be on her side, and BoJack accuses her of never being on his side. He still feels betrayed by the book. Reluctantly, Diane apologizes, and BoJack forgives her, promising to be in her corner.

Finally home, we learn that this whole debacle has taken a toll on Mr. Peanutbutter — especially all of the death threats Diane has been receiving. Diane sarcastically says she should go to Cordovia since she’s not making a difference here, and Mr. Peanutbutter agrees. Maybe some space will be good for them.

On her way to Cordovia, Diane watches an interview of Hank denying the allegations.


This is by far my favorite episode of Season Two, mostly because of how brilliantly it explores the entertainment industry’s sexism and what celebrities are capable of getting away with. It’s pretty easy to see the similarities between grandfatherly late night host, Hank Hippopopalous, and real-world top comedians who have had “allegations” launched against them, namely Bill Cosby and David Letterman.

Even the way Hank’s allegations were brought to public attention are similar to Cosby’s scandal. Diane offhandedly mentions the public allegations against Hank during her book tour, and, back in real life, Hannibal Buress’ Cosby joke is largely credited for bringing new attention to the public allegations made against Dr. Huxtable. Both times, third parties not involved in a publically known, but not discussed, scandal were responsible for exposing these superstars.

Sexual assault is not a punch line in this story, so much so that the allegations against Hank are never vocalized. But what makes this study of institutionalized sexism noteworthy is how painfully accurate it is. Diane receives waves of hate mail and is slut shamed just for mentioning the allegations against Uncle Hank, and when she tries to expose Hank for the monster he is, the system swiftlt shuts her down. She’s silenced just for having the nerve to speak out against the Hollywoo Cosby equivalent.

Meanwhile, Todd incites a civil war abroad that no one knows or cares about because everyone has been too preoccupied with a years-old celebrity scandal. Sure the episode is funny, but mostly it’s a bitter reflection on sexism in the entertainment industry, the powerlessness of people who speak out, the unrelenting hate these activists face, and our society’s ignorance and apathy when it comes to international crisis. It’s a must watch.


Titpuncher.com wins it this round due to painful realism. Fight Club is a good and important movie! Sandwiches should be made for you!


“BoJack, you book talked a lot about how much you love apple fritters. So my question is do you think Israel has a right to defend itself?” — Audience member on book tour

“Who are these women? Have they ever shoplifted, perhaps? Do they wear short shorts? Do they drink alcohol?” — Tom Jumbo-Grumbo

“It’s supposed to be my book tour, and she’s completely upstaging me. Kind of like how it was supposed to be my book. Actually, this might just be a thing she does.” — BoJack Horseman

“Listen, I had a conversation with my bosses at AOL / Time Warner / PepsiCo / Viacom / Halliburton / Skynet / Toyota / Trader Joes, and we agreed. These kind of stories, they don’t sell magazines.” — Amanda Hannity

“Guys, earlier some general asked me if it was a ‘Go on on that thing we talked about,’ and I said ‘Yes,’ and he said, ‘God help us us all,’ and left the room. Now, I’m not sure that was the right answer.” — Todd

[You can stream BoJack Horseman on Netflix]

Kayla Cobb is a proud graduate of Clemson University and loves her cat and TV shows more than some people love their kids. You should really follow her on Twitter at @KaylCobb.

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