Would You Pay $9.99/Month For The “Netflix Of Porn”?

Ever since Netflix disrupted the decades old model of entertainment consumption, other companies have tried to glom onto their success by marketing their services with the descriptive phrase “the Netflix of _________.” The Netflix of books? That exists. The Netflix of vinyl? That exists. But what about the Netflix of porn? Well, now THAT exists, too.

Today, Pornhub—one of the internet’s premiere destinations for porn aficianados (or so we’ve heard)— launched a new subscription service called Pornhub Premium (link obviously NSFW). For the price of $9.99/month, subscribers will get access to all of the videos already found on PornHub, but with higher-quality streams and no advertising. Additionally, they promise the “largest collection of exclusive full length HD adult titles available in crisp 1080p resolution.” (Yes, there is also a “risk-free” 7-day free trial available, too.)

In a press release, Pornhub’s VP Corey Price says “We’re looking to take the crown as the ‘Netflix of porn,’ and with the colossal amount of content we’ll be providing – and adding tons more daily – we’re confident our fan base will totally embrace this product and reinforce our position as the top provider of on-demand adult video.”

Well, that leaves just one question…

There is one other question, we suppose. Who’s going to be the Hulu of porn?

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