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Where Does Buzzy TIFF Film ‘Victoria’ Rank Among the Best Single-Take Movies?

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After taking the Berlin Film Festival by storm, Sebastian Schipper’s Victoria has come to the Toronto Film Festival, ready to wow audiences with its 138-minute single-take story of a young woman who gets caught up in a bank heist after a late night partying in Berlin. And before you even say it: yes, that’s how all nights in Berlin end up.

Here’s the thing: yes, it’s a stunt. Filming an entire film, especially one clocking in over two hours, in a single continuous take is a feat of look-at-me daring that is as much an end in itself than it is a means to tell a story. But Victoria tells a pretty exciting story just the same. The single take, a hand-held camera that goes from a strobe-heavy underground club to a rooftop gathering to a coffee shop after hours to a bank heist to a car chase to a shootout and on and on — there’s a real sense of trying to keep up with events that are unfolding out of control. It’s at times dreamy, at times funny, at times deeply harrowing and fateful. There’s a moment in the middle where you think for a second that morality won’t come into play and that the exhilaration of the moment can carry these characters through. It’s a naive, hopeful moment, but you’re right up there in it.

Of course, Victoria comes on the heels of Birdman with its trickery-assisted single-take aesthetic. Long tracking shots are all the rage right now, but there’s also more scrutiny on them, since the mere fact of an extended single take is no longer novelty enough to guarantee a good reception. So where does Victoria‘s achievement rank? We took a random sampling of this era’s most notable long takes.



Still the tracking shot to beat all other tracking shots. Bonus points for being one of the best shots in one of the best movies of the 1990s.

[Where to stream Goodfellas]


'Children Of Men'

Alfonso Cuaron loaded up his brilliant 2006 film with several long takes, most of them aided by trickery in one way or another (good training for cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki for his later work on Birdman) but the results — the car chase; the escape through a battle-torn high-rise — are breathtaking.

[Where to stream Children Of Men]



The 138-minute running time is a blessing and a curse. The audience is undeniably worn out by the end, and probably more than they needed to be. But it does make the achievement of the production that much more impressive.



Director Joe Wright and cinematographer Seamus McGarvey delivered the above survey of the World War II battle of Dunkirk that snuck up on you with it’s long-take-ness.


'True Detective'

It got lost in the Carcosa shuffle as the first season of True D unfolded, and it REALLY got lost in the shuffle after season 2 came along and tainted everybody’s memories of season 1. But there was a time when all anybody could talk about re: True Detective was the epic single-take tracking shot through a drug bust gone awry at the end of the fourth episode.




Sure, it won Best Picture and Best Cinematography, but the single-take trickery was more obvious than it was in something like Children of Men, and I think we all know that you CAN’T GET TO TIMES SQUARE IF YOU EXIT THE ST. JAMES THEATER IN THAT DIRECTION.