Hate It When Netflix Pauses Your Binge-Watching? Use One Of These Handy Chrome Extensions

You know how it goes: you’ve casually turned on your Gilmore Girls, and suddenly it’s been three or four hours of snappy dialogue and cozy comforts before Netflix passive aggressively reminds you that you’ve lost a good chunk of your life to your favorite binge-watch. “Hey,” Netflix says. “You still there?” Geez, Netflix. Lemme live my life!

I don’t know about you, but Netflix’s pausing function, which certainly prevents your favorite show from playing non-stop in the event that you fall asleep at the wheels of your binge-watch, can get sort of annoying. For one, it feels like your mom telling you it’s time to do something else. For another, it means you have to actually move your body, pick up your arm to click your laptop’s trackpad, and tell it to STFU so you can get on with your marathon viewing. I hate it! I appreciate the sentiment, but I hate it.

Luckily for those of us that use Chrome, there are a few handy Chrome Extensions that fix the issue. The first is called Binge!, with the exclamation mark offering you the satisfaction that you can, in fact, watch as much as you want without Netflix calling you out on it! The other, which is less ecstatic and more matter-of-factly named, is called Netflix Pause Removal. The latter has earned praise from Reddit users (one points out that you can actually #netflixandchill without Netflix peeking in on you). Both are definitely helpful if you watch Netflix on your laptop or with a Chromecast.

RELATED: How Do I Turn On Closed Captions On Netflix? A Step-By-Step Guide For Every System


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