Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight: ‘Subtext’ Shows Us What It’s Really Like Bringing Someone Home For The Holidays

It’s Thursday. Which means it’s almost Friday. Which means you can slack off a bit during your lunch hour (especially if you’re stuck working on Thanksgiving). Cue: Afternoon Delight: Decider’s own curation of the best of short-form content, including the Internet’s wittiest web series. This week’s pick, Subtext, hails from Glamour‘s own digital studios.

Written by and starring filmmaking comedienne, Ali Vingiano, Subtext is a short and sweet web series that explores what we’re really saying behind those nonsense words spewing out of our mouths. Based on her Vimeo Staff Pick short, Exes, Vingiano plays Margot, a twentysomething city-dweller trying to navigate the relentlessly awkward situations life throws us. From job interviews and bringing home your boyfriend to breaking up with said boyfriend on what was your anniversary, Margot shines a light on those thoughts we constantly repress to save face. Cleverly written and hilariously executed, this second episode of Subtext delves into what everyone is actually thinking when you bring your man home for the holidays, which some of you may be experiencing right this very second on Thanksgiving Day. Check out the episode below and watch the rest of the series on Glamour.

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