Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight: Introducing Your Significant Other To ‘Star Wars’

It’s Thursday. Which means it’s almost Friday. Which means you can slack off a bit during your lunch hour. Cue: Afternoon Delight: Decider’s own curation of the best of short-form content, including the Internet’s wittiest web series. This week, we look to our friends Shane Tilston and Marshall Stratton of The Other Kennedys for a short and sweet look at the effort that goes into getting your boyfriend or girlfriend pumped for something they know nothing about. Just in time for The Force Awakens, take a peek at Introducing Your Significant Other to Star Wars.

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as being so excited to introduce the person you love to something you were wholeheartedly obsessed with as a kid. Like Star Wars. But, let’s face it: not everyone is in tune with the ways of the Empire. Or cares, for that matter. Written by Adam Lance Garcia and directed by Tilston, Introducing Your Significant Other to Star Wars may be a preview of how your weekend is going to shape up before you drag your significant other out to see The Force Awakens. To that we say, good luck and may the Force be with you.

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