Add Gigi Hadid To The List Of Celebrities Tweeting About Their ‘Making A Murderer’ Bingewatches

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Missing out on Netflix‘s newest true crime series, Making a Murderer, is probably seriously throwing off your pop culture game. There have been several celebrities who have been voicing their opinions about the 10-part true crime series, and now you can add The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Gigi Hadid to that list. Trust us; it’s starting to become a long list of celebs.

If you haven’t watched the series, you might want to remedy that viewing oversight. The 10-part docu-series chronicles Wisconsin native Steven Avery’s release from jail after DNA evidence proves his innocence. However, Avery’s only granted a few months of freedom before he becomes the main suspect in a murder case. Nothing quite adds up in this muddled case, and the series wonders if evidence was actually planted by the police to frame an innocent Avery. Avery is currently serving life in prison with no parole. On the viewership side of Making a Murderer, there have been petitions, allegations of inaccuracy, and doubt-causing interviews. Seriously, if you’re behind, catch up now. The fashion model and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills regular started tweeting about her watch last Sunday night, and she’s joined the masses in thinking that things are not adding up. Below are all of her tweets:

She also has some serious thoughts on Steven Avery’s nephew, Brendan Dassey:

Hadid’s call for justice and the truth is definitely something we all can relate to:

Then she tweeted the not-so-great thought most of us are probably guilty of having:

We’re right there with you, Gigi.


I did. On Monday, the filmmakers behind the Netflix original made another late night appearance. Last week, Stephen Colbert asked Moira Demos and Laura Riccardi if they thought Steven Avery was innocent (Spoiler alert: They do). However, last night, the filmmaking pair were interviewed on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, and the interview produced some interesting insights into the series’ fanbase and larger implications the docu-series may have.

Right away, Noah’s interview was a departure from the typical Making a Murderer discussion, focusing more on the filmmakers’ journey through the documentary’s creation rather than whether or not they think Avery is innocent or guilty. Demos and Riccardi explained how Avery came to be the subject of their documentary and that they thought Avery’s story would be an interesting and insightful lens through which to view the American justice system. Through the interview, the pair clarified that their objective in making the series was looking at how court systems have progressed since Avery’s wrongful 1985 conviction, not impacting Avery’s case. “We did not set out to prove Steven Avery’s innocence; he did,” Riccardi explained.

After detailing how off course the Making a Murderer fanbase has veered from Demos and Riccardi’s original intentions, Noah jokingly asked, “Do you guys feel like you’ve created a monster?” It’s a joke anyone who has gotten lost in the intricate Making a Murderer subreddit can definitely relate to, but as Noah later explained, the documentary and the outrage it’s produced has had a somewhat equalizing effect when it comes to race relations and the justice system:

I think that’s what you were successful in doing is getting people to realize that there are problems in the system, getting white people to realize because white people are like, “This — this can’t be happening! Oh my god, how is an innocent man getting oppressed by the system!?” And black people are like, “Exactly! That’s the shit I’ve been talking about!”

While most of the online and talk show conversation has revolved around Avery’s guilt or innocence, it’s refreshing to hear an intelligent discussion about the larger implications this docu-series has on on legal system.Noah, please interview Demos and Riccardi more and tell us all your Making a Murderer thoughts. You can watch the full interview below: