Now You Can Watch The Infamous Ronda Rousey V. Holly Holm Fight In Its Entirety … For Free

Remember way back in 2015 when boxing champion Ronda Rousey faced Holly Holm in Melbourne, Australia? Even if you didn’t see the fight and have no interest in professional boxing, you probably remember hearing about the match-up that ended with Holm knocking Rousey out with a massive head kick. Well get ready to clear out your streaming schedule for some professional-level violence. The UFC has just released the 193 UFC fight against Ronda Rousey and Holly Holm on YouTube.

Everyone thought the undefeated Rousey was sure to win her match against Holm last November. At the time of the notorious fight, Rousey was the Women’s Bantamweight Champion and had been unbeaten in 12 UFC fights before encountering Holm. If Rousey had won the match, it would have been her seventh title defense. Instead, Rousey suffered through a painful first round full of shots to the head from Holm. Though Rousey managed to fight back a bit in Round Two, the fight was ended after Holm delivered a kick to the head that dropped Rousey to the canvas. Ouch. You can watch the full fight below:

It was recently revealed during an interview with Ellen DeGeneres that the loss affected Rousey more than we originally thought. According to the interview, Rousey confessed that she considered suicide after her loss at UFC 193.

“I was down in the corner [of the medical room], and I was like, ‘What am I anymore if I’m not this?’ I was literally sitting there and thinking about killing myself,” she said.

Thankfully, Rousey is doing better now and wants to fight Holm again.

The fight is being released as part of a promotional plan for Holly Holm’s next fight against Miesha Tate. The fight is scheduled to take place on March 5 at UFC 197. No matter who wins, we’re sure these women are going to kick some ass and give us an awesome show.

Photos: Getty Collection