Skip ‘Batman V. Superman’ And Watch ‘Batkid Begins’ On Netflix

Whether or not you had big plans to see Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice this weekend, chances are you’ve heard the news: It’s bad. As of right now, it has a dismal 30% score on Rotten Tomatoes and critics are panning its incoherent plot and sanguine tone.

The good news is you can still believe in the power of Batman this weekend! Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around The World is streaming on Netflix. On November 15, 2013, San Francisco, California rallied around one five-year-old cancer survivor to make his dreams come true. Miles Scott had one wish — and that was to be “Batkid.” Who is Batkid? Well, he’s not technically a canonical Batman character, but he is a superhero that Miles concocted to help keep his spirits up while battling cancer. Miles’ dream was to really be Batkid for one day and to help the real Batman save the world. The documentary follows how the Make-A-Wish Foundation made this a reality.

Batkid Begins might be unapologetically sweet, but that’s what makes it so badass. In a world that’s getting increasingly bleak and all the more scary, it’s nice to think that kindness can still prevail. Batkid Begins is the superhero story we need – not the one we deserve.

[Watch Batkid Begins on Netflix]