Jon Stewart Says “Man-Baby” Donald Trump Is Ineligible To Be President

When Jon Stewart left The Daily Show last year he left a major void in the late night television landscape. Not only was Stewart considered one of the most sharp political satirists on television, but he also hates Donald Trump. The two have a long-standing rivalry that blew up once more last night when Stewart declared the “man-baby” “ineligible” to be President.
Let’s set the scene: Stewart did a live taping of David Axelrod’s “The Axe Files” podcast at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. After a bit of small talk, President Obama’s former Chief Advisor asked Stewart about this year’s election and soon the discussion pivoted to Trump.

“Look I don’t even know if Donald Trump is eligible to be President — that’s not a birther thing,” Stewart said. “I’m not a constitutional scholar so I can’t necessarily say, but are you eligible to run if you are a man-baby or a baby man?”
Stewart elaborated on the insult and explained:

“Again, I’m not here to be politically incorrect, if they’re referred to as man-baby Americans, but he is a man-baby. He has the physical countenance of a man and a baby’s temperament and hands.”

This is just the latest salvo in the long-standing Stewart/Trump feud. As Stewart explains in the podcast, years ago, Trump tweeted an insult at the comedian that focused on his original Jewish surname.

Stewart fired back by calling Trump by his “real name”: “Fuckface von Clownstick.” Stewart’s biggest grip with Trump? He can dish it, but he can’t take it. Stewart recounted how Trump still hasn’t gotten over that time Vanity Fair said he had small hands decades ago. Stewart added: “Character is destiny, and he is the most thin-skinned individual.”

Stewart also explained his dislike for Hilary Clinton, saying “she lacks the courage of her convictions.”

On a more serious note, Stewart broke down Trump’s appeal as a measure of the success of talk radio. He also explained that despite all the hoopla, this election cycle isn’t that much more different than any other.

You can watch the whole interview in the video above. To listen to more episodes of “The Axe Files,” click here.