Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight: The Donald Gets a More Suitable Slogan with ‘Make Trump Great Again’

What better way to prepare for the fast-approaching weekend than by indulging in the some of the Internet’s most well-done web content? Take advantage of your lunch break and treat yourself to Afternoon Delight, Decider’s carefully curated picks of the best short-form content available on the world wide web. This week we’re spotlighting another ever-so-topical Trump take-down from our friends over at Petal Stone Comedy.

“It’s your boy, The Donald, Don, DJ, or as most of you know me, your worst nightmare.”

By now, America, you’ve realized this is happening. Written by and starring Dean Dimitruk and shot and edited by Adam Centrella, the sketch takes us on a snappy stroll along Central Park as Dimitruk’s Donald addresses controversies and rumors surrounding his plans, policies, products, and hand size, among other things. Whether he’s making the wall 10 feet higher because of an encounter with a “Mexican” (Iowan) on his walk, mistaking a “Make Donald Drumpf Again” hat for one of his own and calling out “that prick John Oliver”, or knocking an innocent bystander’s steak out of his hands, Trump wreaks havoc on this unassuming block while he sets the record straight.

Additional hilarity includes The Donald granting an exclusive look at his tax form and promptly igniting it, and after attempting to dismiss any affiliation to white supremacy and the KKK, he offers a woman a handkerchief that unfolds to reveal a KKK hood. The star-spangled sweatsuit he ends the video in as he dances to Beyonce’s “Sorry” is a sight you won’t soon forget. Dimitruk’s tongue-in-cheek self awareness and ridiculous Trump impression (terrible tan and wacky wig included) seal the deal on this short, sweet, side-splitting sketch.

Petal Stone Comedy was created by Centrella, Dimitruk, and Brittany Mignanelli. Check out our coverage of their last sketch, “The Subway Savior“, and subscribe to their YouTube channel to stay tuned for more inevitably hilarious (and ridiculously relevant) content ahead.

Jade Budowski is an indecisive sometimes-writer with a knack for ruining punchlines and harboring dad-aged celebrity crushes. Follow her on Twitter: @jadebudowski.