Netflix Hacks: How to Delete Your Embarrassing Netflix History

The reason we love Netflix so much is because the possibilities are endless: you can discover a new sitcom, or re-watch your favorite childhood film, or get scared out of your mind by the latest horror flick, just with a few simple clicks. What a time!

What you watch is up to you. How you spend your viewing time is your choice, and you probably want to keep it that way. So you need to know about this essential Netflix hack: how to make sure no one ever discovers your (potentially embarrassing!) viewing habits. Hey, sometimes you want to watch a weepy rom com on purpose, and sometimes 100 episodes of a TV show just Auto-Play while you are sleeping. Either way, you can erase any trace of those ever appearing on your screen. No one needs Netflix snitching on them!

So here’s how to take care of business. Head over to Your Account in the top right hand corner of the page. Scroll down to My Account, where you’ll see Viewing Activity.

After clicking on that, you’ll be faced with the entire list of shows and movies you’ve watched. Feel free to X out any and all unsavory items in the list. Within 24 hours, they will no longer show up in your Recently Viewed list and they should also stop contributing to the Netflix algorithm of other shows and movies you might enjoy.

Voilà! Your viewing habits will no longer be responsible for any future embarrassments. And while you’re hanging around in My Activity, it doesn’t hurt to click on “See recent account access”: this way you can see all the locations your account has been logged in from. So if your ex who now lives two states away is still signing in, it’s a nice reminder to reduce their access or change your password. Boy, bye.

One more tip: you might also want to check out your Playback Settings (under My Account) – this is the place where you can control your data usage, as well as turn off Auto-Play, so an entire series doesn’t play while you aren’t even watching. Because let’s be honest, if Netflix is keeping track of everything you watch, you want to actually WATCH it.

Congrats on your finely curated Netflix account!

[H/T: Groovypost]