7 Questions You Won’t Believe You’re Asking Yourself While Watching ‘The Switch’

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The Switch

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New to Hulu this month is The Switch, a 2010 romantic comedy starring Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston. No, it is not the 2011 film The Change-Up, starring Bateman and Ryan Reynolds in their adult version of a very Freaky Friday, but it is easy to see by the titles how these two might get confused. Nor is it 2010’s The Back-Up Plan starring Jennifer Lopez, about a lady that also takes her pregnancy into her own hands.

You may have missed The Switch for a few reasons: confusion with the above films, or just an unclear understanding of what this film is about. Is it a mindless, dirty comedy about a jizz mix-up? Kinda, sorta, but no.

The Switch is the story of Kassie (Aniston), a lady who is ready to have a baby all on her own. Well, she needs a little bit of help with the sperm part. She deems the swimmers of her bestie, Wally (Bateman), “too neurotic”, so she chooses Roland (Patrick Wilson) as her handsome and smart donor. The “switch” of the film happens, and 7 years later, Wally realizes he’s actually the father of Kassie’s child, the beyond-adorable Sebastian (Thomas Robinson). Oh, and that he’s always been in love with her.

Bateman is his signature cynical, skeptical, sarcastic self, while Aniston is as sweet as ever. Juliette Lewis serves as Aniston’s wacky best pal, and Jeff Goldblum is Bateman’s grounded, voice of reason friend. In their own lovely ways, this cast contributes to a film that is less about knee-slapping laughs, and much more about tear-wiping sentiments. The film examines what it means to get pregnant (especially in a non-traditional way), be a parent, be a friend, and really be in love, especially at those times where the butterflies might not be there, but the deep feelings certainly are.

While the movie might follow a pretty standard rom com formula, it does veer off the expected track by paying much more attention to the man in the movie than the woman. Also, this is a woman who isn’t yearning for a man and basing her every action on trying to meet one. It’s a modern take on a biological issue many women are faced with daily, and while it manages to keep it relatively light-hearted, it also shows the real emotional toll it takes on all parties involved, or not involved.

The film was marketed as much more of a silly semen flick than it actually is. Sure, the events of the film revolve around the contents of that cup. And while you’ll want to watch this movie with a box of tissues handy, it’s not for the bodily fluid that you might be expecting.

So now that you have a little more info, here are some questions you might be surprised to find yourself thinking during the viewing of this film. All of this to say, you can’t blame us when you’re in a puddle of tears by the end.

Don’t tell me pregnancy parties are a thing?

Probably! They honestly seem more fun than gender reveal parties anyway, but no need to include those pink and blue sperm confetti with the invite. Ever.

Can Jennifer Anison and Jason Bateman do all their movies together?

They kind of already do. Besides The Switch, the pair have worked together in The Break-Up, Horrible Bosses, Horrible Bosses 2, and Office Christmas Party out later this year. But yeah, it’s never enough.

Shouldn’t this be happening in a professional setting?

Everyone loves a good party, but is that really the best place to be making deposits? Then again, had this taken place in a secure environment, like one of those tiny rooms with the crusty magazine pages, we’d have no movie. Still, as lovely as Kassie’s bathroom looks, it seems like an unwise plan, is all.

Is that little boy going to make me cry?

So many times.

Is it maybe entirely impossible to hate Patrick Wilson?

It’s very hard. Very. Hard.

Wait, am I that little boy?

Have you visited WebMD in the past week? Day? Hour? You might be Sebastian.

Is Jeff Goldblum the best?


[Where to stream The Switch]