What Was Up With George W. Bush’s Bizarre Dance Moves During “Battle Hymn Of The Republic”?

President George W. Bush has enjoyed a life of relative peace and quiet since leaving office almost 8 years ago now. He spends most of his time painting portraits of Jay Leno and dogs, rarely leaving his ranch except when the situation demands it.

Earlier today, though, 43 made a public appearance alongside his successor, Barack Obama, during a memorial service for five slain policemen in Dallas. He spoke about the tragedy in a manner that the Huffington Post described as “eloquent” and “appropriate,” but then this happened:

Here’s another, closer look:

Yes, during a somber rendition of “Battle Hymn Of The Republic,” one in which everyone on stage had their head bowed respectfully, W. made the curious decision to dance up a storm. Well, maybe not a storm, exactly, but his vigorous swaying and glazed-over, faraway, goofy look reminded us less of an former President and more like somebody you’d see in the Sahara Tent at Coachella.

Bush, wearing a royal blue suit, spent the entirety of the song clasping FLOTUS Michelle Obama’s hand for dear life, while also trying desperately to get her to duet along with him like they were at a karaoke joint with “Islands In The Stream” blaring in the moments right before last call.

You keep doing you, W! Glory, glory, hallelujah, indeed.