Woman Crush Wednesday: Give Rachel Bloom All The Emmys

Where to Stream:

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

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Is it feeling hot in here? Maybe it’s the weather, or maybe it’s just all that heat radiating off the super hot career of one of the most talented, hard-working actresses of our time? You know what? It’s probably that. Because it’s time to celebrate yet another Woman Crush Wednesday!

Now that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has found its way onto Netflix, millions of people are discovering what millions already know: Rachel Bloom is a gem. The star, writer and co-creator of one of last season’s most praised, buzzed and enjoyed TV shows has proven exactly how unstoppable she is.

With the announcement of the Emmy nominations tomorrow morning, all eyes will be on Bloom, getting ready to well up with big, beautiful tears when her name BETTER BE called. But even if the Emmys are more like Dummys, we love Rachel, and here’s why.

WHO’S THAT GAL: Rachel Bloom

WHY WE’RE CRUSHING: There’s nothing this gal can’t do. She is fantastic as Rebecca Bunch on CEG because she is all of us. Yes, sometimes Rebecca is the crazy part of us, but she’s us. The character seems like someone you would work with or be pals with or have gone to summer camp with, and this is because she’s playing a character that’s not afraid of being flawed. In fact, Rebecca acknowledges, faces, accepts, and does not apologize for her flaws, making her both a crush and a role model of sorts. Well, not that time she broke into her crush’s apartment to delete a text she accidentally sent him. No, not that part.

Bloom brings such raw emotions to her performance on the CW comedy/musical that we can laugh at because we have all been there. Again, maybe not inside a party bus on the way to a beach day, but the general “there.” The “there” of portraying the feelings of needing a change in life and of unreciprocated crushes. Bloom is never, ever afraid of looking dumb on-screen. She is able to make the worst parts of Rebecca cause sympathy from viewers, not annoyance. Not all actresses would be able to accomplish that.

Plus, she serves as the main star of the show which means an an entire spectrum of emotions, a wide variety of situations from silly to serious, and the fact that she’s not just acting, but singing, dancing, writing, and producing. NBD. (Except that it is a VBD — very big deal.)

WHERE YOU’VE SEEN HER BEFORE: The superb season 1 of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. And if you haven’t seen her there yet, fire up that Netflix and get it going right now. Plus, Rachel has worked on and lent her voice to shows like BoJack Horseman and Robot Chicken. But perhaps you got an introduction to her via her equally catchy and silly music videos, a talent that has translated well into her hour-long show. If you missed any of them, you can see (or relive) them in all their glory on her website.

WHERE YOU’LL SEE HER AGAIN: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend returns for season 2 this fall on the CW and hopefully by that time, the correct title of the show will be, “The Emmy Award-Winning Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.” She’s already a Golden Globe and Critic’s Choice winner, so all we’re saying is that it would be wise for her to invest in a little extra shelf space around the house.

[Where to stream Crazy Ex-Girlfriend]