Elizabeth Banks Mocks Donald Trump By Parodying His Infamous RNC Entrance

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The 2016 Democratic National Convention got off to a rocky, Game Of Thrones-style start yesterday when the Bernie Bros booed every single mention of Hillary Clinton’s name, but ever since, things have been on the up-and-up for the Dems. FLOTUS Supreme Michelle Obama’s speech rocked the house, Senator Bernie Sanders did his best to unite a fractured Democratic party with his rousing speech, Sarah Silverman laid the smack down on the “ridiculous” Bernie or Bust movement, and, most impressively, Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. were nowhere to be seen.

Michelle Obama, in particular, drew raves for her proclamation that when “When they go low, we go high,” but not all Democrats heeded her words. Senator Elizabeth Warren got some big cheers when she spent most of her keynote speech taking down Trump, and earlier tonight, the actress-turned-director Elizabeth Banks got a few shots of her own in, starting when she made her grand entrance onto the stage in Philadelphia by parodying Donald Trump’s now infamous WWE-style entrance last week.

While some have criticized her monologue as having “fallen flat,” the Hunger Games star found herself trending on Twitter for most of the evening to mostly positive reaction. “[In The Hunger Games,] I play a cruel, out-of-touch reality TV star (Effie Trinket) who wears insane wigs while delivering longwinded speeches to a violent dystopia,” she riffed. “So when I tuned into Cleveland last week I was like, ‘Uh, hey, that’s my act!’” Her joke was met with a small round of applause in the room, but on social media, there’s little doubt that Liz Banks won the evening.

Click here for Decider’s complete coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention.