It Doesn’t Matter Who JoJo Picks on ‘The Bachelorette’ —She’s Already Betrayed Us

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Tonight is the night! We will eagerly gather around our TVs and our Twitters and watch JoJo receive a proposal from the man of her dreams on The Bachelorette, before the two skip off to live happily ever after.
Except that will not be the case. JoJo has not found her Prince Charming. The 2 dumb dumbs left will never prove to be husband material, no matter how much they claim they are ready to be. But you can’t blame them: this disaster falls on JoJo’s shoulders.
We live in an America where we have an extremely qualified female running for President, and a Beyonce running the stage, night after night. Women can run the world and can run their own lives, and JoJo is more than capable of making her own decisions. But she has not only failed herself, but everyone watching this season of The Bachelorette as well.


As viewers, we tune in expecting to see two people at least kind of seem into each other. Sure, it’s a reality TV show, not a Disney movie. But putting that many handsome dudes and one woman into a room, the odds are, that she would be into at least one of them. However, and I say this as someone who had never seen a previous season of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, this season has clearly been a disaster.

At first, JoJo felt like a girl that we went to high school with or would occasionally meet up with for brunch. We were rooting for her! After a crappy ending on last season of The Bachelor, we wanted this girl to find love. It’s her turn for happiness! And then the dudes started piling out of the limos and things were looking…grim.
There were some gems in there, but they couldn’t shine brighter than Chad, who hogged up every last bit of limelight he could. Although, he did help put the spotlight on the 3 major issues this season faced: 1) spending way too much time on Chad’s antics, the only remotely interesting thing going on because 2) most of the dudes were totally boring cry-baby losers and 3) JoJo was unable to see these qualities in both Chad and the losers, therefore leading to some terrible decision-making on her part.


For as much as the remaining 2 dudes, Robby and Jordan, are not ready to get into a serious relationship, let alone married, the same applies to JoJo. Homegirl has got to practice some discretion, and also come to realize that what her “gut” is telling her, is the exact opposite of what she interprets it to mean. Oh, Jordan gives you an uneasy feeling in your stomach? Yeah, that’s not a sign that you should pick him. It’s a sign you should run. In fact, with the exception of Chad, these two dudes are the only two who have a scandal surrounding them. The timing of the demise of Robby’s previous relationship is a sketchy item, brought to light by his ex’s roommate. And Jordan, oh man. That dude has it written all over his face that he’s there for the attention, fame and opportunity at a job after this show, as he is currently unemployed and consistently smug. It’s only too bad the task of pointing this all out fell into Chad’s lap.
If it were a trusted gal pal pointing out to JoJo what duds these dudes are, would it change anything? No. JoJo is just as guilty as Robby or Jordan or even Chad at getting addicted to the attention she’s received. She wants to go with one of the most talked about guys so that the two continue to be talked about together. While Chad was never going to be a viable option, the fact that she kept him around for as long as she even did, proves this point.
JoJo is young. She’s 25 years old. It’s ok to not be ready for marriage! What she is ready for is to hang out with dudes she is sexually attracted to. So yeah, of course two former athletes made it to the end. If their personalities (and morals) were in as great shape as their bodies are, we would all be so much more excited for JoJo. Girl, get yours. But just be honest about what it is you want, because if you’re not, you’re just as annoying as these other 2 dopes. We, the viewers, know what we want. And if you don’t want the same thing as we do (for you to find love) then you’re stringing us along, the very act you tried so hard to avoid this season (and were rather unsuccessful, at that).


We all deal with enough d-bags on Tinder and in bars, so we looked to JoJo for proof that it is possible to weed through those and find the good guys. There have to be some in that pile! And the fact that the last two are just like all the other bozos we encounter on a daily basis is discouraging. JoJo, girl, we wanted you to remind us that dating can be delightful, not depressing. Most of us aren’t afforded 26 good-looking (enough) dudes at once, eager as hell to get to know us. JoJo was, but she wasted it. And we’re all taking it personally.
JoJo was never looking for a nice dude. We got our first hint of that when Wells was excused from the program, and yet it still hit like a brick when she shoved Luke’s cute butt into a car, clearly not learning from her mistakes. Of the final four: Jordan, Robby, Luke and Chase, her chemistry with Luke was undeniable and he was the only one without any issues. No problem with his feelings, no rumors from exes, no questioned motives. Luke is flawless and will find a lady who not only knows what she wants, but is ready for it.
Going into tonight’s finale, JoJo has no idea what she wants. She’s looking to her family to tell her, because clearly her instincts are way off. But it doesn’t matter. As viewers, we don’t care at all who she picks, because it won’t last. It won’t restore our faith in love. As it turns out, finding love is just as sucky on TV as it is in real life! We can’t feel excited or happy, because we’ll be too busy waiting for JoJo to come to her senses. And hoping that the producers do the same by making Luke the next Bachelor.
[Where to watch The Bachelorette]