Who’s Standing In The Way Of Fred Savage Landing the ‘Live with Kelly’ Job?

Before Michael Strahan even had a chance to rinse out his coffee cup, the whole world was wondering who would replace him as a co-host on Live with Kelly. And we’re still wondering! A final decision as to who will sit next to Kelly Ripa each morning could still be some time away, but really, why don’t they just hand this thing over to Fred Savage right now?

Savage is the perfect co-host for Ripa, in many ways. He lets her shine and doesn’t talk over her, while still getting his humorous quips in. He’s approachable and just about as relatable as they come, especially considering he was a huge child star. Plus, after all these years in the business, both in front of the camera (most recently on the excellent comedy The Grinder, cancelled after one season) as well as behind it, directing tons of TV episodes, he still brings an unexpected yet adorable wide-eyed enthusiasm to the mix. He’s got a great energy for the morning, like you can tell he’s excited to be awake and talking to a Dancing with the Stars reject, but not so much that he’s annoying. One day he’ll explain how his first born child was conceived, and the next, he’ll get scared by a fake cat.

He’s also made the move out to New York already to work on Nicholas Stoller’s new Netflix comedy, Friends from College, so he’s local now, Kel! Most people already feel like they know him in some way, or, at the very least, they’re used to him being on their TVs. The mornings he rides shotgun with Kelly feel fun and easier than the others. He’s clearly got the right temperament for both Ripa and the audience, making this a total no-brainer!

So who’s standing in his way? Well, Kelly has had quite the parade of guest co-hosts throughout the summer, as she wants to make sure this next guy sticks around for a while. Dudes like Joel McHale and Keegan-Michael Key have jumped into the co-host chair, and her pals like Andy Cohen, Neil Patrick Harris and Jussie Smollett have all done some solid time, but are any of them really ready to commit to that crack of dawn schedule? Probably not. Cohen’s got his Bravo late night show, Watch What Happens Live, Harris has any number of projects at the moment, and Smollett’s still an integral part of Empire, which shoots in Chicago. These are the other guys that are shaping up to be serious contenders for the gig:

Anderson Cooper

He was in the mix before Strahan got hired, and he’s back this time. Yes, he’s friends with Kelly and they’ve got the rapport, but does he want to give up serious journalism for chitchatting with the Hemsworth du jour? Just look at him: is that the face of a man who wants to get up every morning and join a conga line? Probably not.

Jerry O’Connell

O’Connell’s show Mistresses was recently cancelled by ABC, so he’s got the time! Plus, he’s very game. On a recent hosting stint, he allowed his eyebrows to get a makeover on the show. He’s a real team player, that O’Connell. However, his sense of humor can be a bit harsher than Kelly’s, or than most people’s, first thing in the AM. He’s not bad to look at, and he’s a great temporary place holder, but let’s not get too used to him.

Josh Groban

Groban is fine. He’s fine. It makes total sense why they would throw him into the mix. But I’d like to thank him for his time and dismiss him from the race right now. He’s gearing up to star in The Great Comet on Broadway, and the only nice way to say this, is that it shows. He is very theatrical in his time on-screen, and he could later prove to be a host that demands a lot of attention. Kelly doesn’t need any of that. He’s fine as a fill-in, I’m sure much of the audience enjoys seeing him and his beard, but he’s not a good choice as a permanent co-host. Have fun on Broadway, bro!

[Where to watch Live with Kelly]