Millie Bobby Brown’s Father Takes Heat For Demanding $100,000 To Represent ‘Stranger Things’ Star

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There are a lot of oddities Netflix’s viral summer series Stranger Things got away with, but this likely won’t be one of them. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Millie Bobby Brown‘s father has been demanding that agents interested in representing the young actress pay him $100,000 cash upfront for the right to represent her.

Stories about parents making A-list demands for child stars is sadly nothing unusual, but this particular demand has the potential to cost Hollywood one very talented performer. For the right to sign his 12-year-old daughter, Robert Brown, the father of the breakout actress, has reportedly demanded a $100,000 upfront fee. In the Hollywood Reporter’s write up of the story, they reported that sources from five separate agencies have confirmed that the elder Brown is making the demand for this large cash payment. It’s traditional for agents to take 10 percent commission, but when it comes to in-demand clients, which the Stranger Things star certainly is, it’s not unusual for that 10 percent to be reduced. However, an upfront cash payment is unorthodox and will likely not happen. From The Hollywood Reporter:

Agents have been known to reduce the traditional 10 percent commission charged clients in order to sign in-demand talent, but a payment up front “would open a Pandora’s box,” says another veteran of a major agency, “and we just would never go there.”

Brown’s manager has reported she is unaware of the requests Robert Brown has been making. The piece further speculated why the elder Brown may be making these requests, saying that he was reportedly taking advice from someone outside of the industry. Apparently, in the U.K. (where both Browns are from) cash payments in advance of a sports figure’s representation is fairly common.

Aiding his requests are likely the struggles the family has had to endure for the actress’ career. In an interview with the Daily Mail, Millie Bobby Brown revealed that her journey to stardom involved uprooting her family from England to Florida, running out of money, and a separation from her family. Surely, it’s been traumatizing both for the young actress and her family. However, it seems unlikely that Hollywood’s agents are going to budge on that $100,000 fee, not because they can’t afford it, but because of the precedent it states. Someone has to budge is we want to see more of Eleven. Here’s hoping all of this financial drama gets resolved quickly. We desperately need more Millie Bobby Brown in our lives.

[Where to watch Stranger Things]