Boys in the Hoodies: What Sweatshirts Mean to the Men of TV

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The fall season means more than just new TV shows and Pumpkin Spice Lattes, although both of those are great. It means that it’s time to bust out the most comfortable and complementary item in your closet: a hooded sweatshirt, commonly known as a hoodie. They look good on everyone, and they’re perfect for both a stroll through the leaves or a marathon Netflix sesh on your couch. Except during that binge, you might notice something. Hoodies might actually mean something, something more than just an indicator of a chill in the air.

Marvel’s Luke Cage is one of the more important examples demonstrating this wardrobe selection. It was not lost on many viewers that this is a bulletproof black man in a hooded sweatshirt. In a post-Trayvon Martin world, this superhero show is making a significant statement, and an important one at that, all due to a dark zip-up. And there are even more layers to this layer. The way that Luke (Mike Colter) wears his hoodie is not just for warmth, it’s for insulation, and to act as a shield of sorts. He throws that hood up in hopes that he can block out the world and become invisible. He’s afraid to see something he doesn’t want to see (i.e.: someone in need of help) and he’s hoping the world can’t see him back. Placing that hood over his bare head acts as two-way blinder for this indestructible human, and his way of hiding while in plain sight.

Certainly, there is an element of this for Elliot Alderson (Rami Malek), too. His black hoodie has become the most iconic symbol for Mr. Robot, with the character rarely seen not wearing it. His hands shoved into his pockets and the presence of the hoodie serve as a way for Elliot and his social anxieties to avoid people, and, similar to earbuds placed firmly in an ear, a signal to others not to bother him. Elliot isn’t quite the outdoors type, so when he has to face the world outside his residence and the people that inhabit it, this fashion choice gives him just a bit of assurance, as though he can remain safe in his own cocoon as he walks down the street. While Elliot and Luke both use a hooded sweatshirt as a way to block out the world, Elliot and another guy make this style choice for an entirely different reason.

Silicon Valley’s Richard Hendrix (Thomas Middleditch) and Elliot wear a hoodie because it’s practically in their job description. As a hacker, it comes as no surprise that Elliot would be decked out in a black zip-up as part of his daily uniform. With Richard, a fellow tech guy, he’s simply dressing for the job he wants. While he’s been known to switch it up and wear a sweater to important meetings, his main style icon is very close to a Mark Zuckerberg-type. While it should be noted that the weather in Northern California can be described as “hoodie weather” for a good portion of the year, Richard’s choices are much more dependent on his industry than his climate. With anxieties of his own, it doesn’t hurt to have the pockets to shove his hands into as well, but he’s less likely to put the actual hood part on, leaving his head, his brain, his secrets much more exposed to the world.

Now, with all three of these characters, we’re not dealing with Fashion Week frequenters by any means. They’ve all got bigger things to worry about than what they’re choosing from their closets each day. Wearing a piece that is so singularly known for its comfort provides each of these men that much more ease in the world. They aren’t buttoned up with ties and suit jackets. They’ve got to save the world from bad guys, big banks, and mean tech guys — who’s got the time for fancy clothes? As their bodies tense with thoughts and problems, hoodies allow them an ease outside their bodies, both for just getting through the world, and throwing grown men through windows, when necessary.

All this is to say, don’t be so quick to judge the next guy you see wearing a hoodie. While it’s easy to jump to the connotation that hooded sweatshirt = laziness, the men of television are proving that equation to be entirely false. That guy could be saving the world, or starting the next social media app we’ll all be addicted to. Tis the season to throw on your favorite hoodie — just beware of bad guys and venture capitalists alike.