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The Hunt For The Most Thankless Role In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

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This weekend, we get Doctor Strange, the second movie in Marvel’s vaunted Phase Three of the cinematic universe that began with 2008’s Iron Man. The reviews have been coming in, with particular emphasis on the eye-popping visual effects and on Benedict Cumberbatch perhaps becoming the new face of the Marvel franchise. The film also co-stars Rachel McAdams, coming off of an Oscar nomination for Spotlight and riding a career high. She’s not really featured in the trailers or mentioned much in the reviews, because she’s playing Strange’s ex-girlfriend, a role that “anchors his connection to humanity,” which is another way of saying that she’s the boring old human who gets sloughed off when Strange becomes all cool and magic.

As well as Marvel has done over the years with developing its superhero characters across several movies, they have some glaring weak spots — generally when it comes to sidekicks and love interests — where the characterization just isn’t there. And since these movies are so well-cast with stars and talented supporting players, you end up with these great actors playing … the girlfriend. The ex-wife. The henchperson.

This leads us to the question, then: which talented actor has been saddled with the most thankless role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? A few parameters:

  • What we’re looking for here is a role that is either one-dimensional or slight or boring.
  • The more talented the actor, the more severe the thanklessness of the role should seem.
  • If you’re the main villain of the film, it doesn’t count. Marvel’s success/failure rate with their major antagonists is a whole other article. But henchpeople certainly count.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Ma and Pa Thor. As Odin and Frigga, Anthony Hopkins and Rene Russo, respectively, brought their considerable gravitas to Asgard. Odin got to make a lot of big speeches and give a lot of exposition about Dark Elves, but he also spends more time in a coma than out of it. Russo was wasted entirely in the first Thor and then killed halfway through the second one, though she did get a couple badass moments in on her way out.
  • Julie Delpy. Playing the ballet-instructor/assassin-trainer in Black Widow’s Scarlet-Witch-induced flashbacks, Delpy was barely on screen in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Certainly not a role that gave her much time to show off her talents. Ultimately, this was a cameo, and cameos are a slightly different beast, without much in the way of expectations for deep characterization.
  • Martin Freeman. Freeman’s brief role as a UN functionary in Captain America: Civil War definitely felt like a waste of his talents, but it certainly seems like this is a character who we’ll end up seeing again, so we reserve our judgment.



Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanov / Black Widow*

This one is a divisive one. The fact that to date Marvel has not made a movie with a central female superhero is indeed shameful and ought to be rectified. (Indeed, Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larson, hits theaters in March of 2019.) Most often, Black Widow is brought up when people talk about Avengers who should have their own movie. And certainly Scarlett Johansson could hold her own at the center of a Marvel movie. But … she kind of already does. The Avengers movies are all-star affairs, yes, but Natasha Romanov has been at dead center of both of them. Joss Whedon’s writing pulled Black Widow off of the sidelines as a Tony Stark acolyte and made her the emotional center of those movies. She’s also been a bang-up supporting player in the second and third Captain America movies. I can see why many fans (and critics) want her to have a movie of her own, but she’s only on a list like this with an asterisk.


Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson

There’s a few ways to look at the role of Phil Coulson. On the one hand, he’s beloved; he’s been in a ton of the movies; he got to have a big, emotional death scene that mattered; and then he got to be the lead of his own TV series. Or, if you look at it a different way: Coulson was dragged along through all these movies, getting crumbs of incredibly functionary dialogue, then getting offed only to heighten a conflict between Nick Fury and his Avengers, before finally being resurrected to help the ship of fools on a TV show that isn’t particularly well-liked. You make the call.


Linda Cardellini as Laura Barton

The fact that Laura Barton is decidedly non-superheroic is the entire point of Age of Ultron‘s sojourn down at Hawkeye’s family farm. It’s actually a pretty lovely sequence, and it helps to hammer home the themes of the movie at large. But well-intentioned though its narrative purpose was, there still was no getting around the fact that Cardellini — an actress whose talents have been in search of roles worthy of them since Freaks and Geeks got cancelled — was saddled with the role of Supportive Wife. She frets. She worries. She strokes her pregnant belly with great portent. And then she stays home while the boys ship off to war.


Djimon Hounsou as Korath


Djimon Hounsou has two Academy Award nominations. One for In America in 2003 and one for Blood Diamond in 2006. He is one of FOUR Academy Award-nominated actors appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy (five if you count Bradley Cooper’s voice work). I couldn’t include all of them or else they’d take up half the list. But just know that John C. Reilly and Glenn Close are in my thoughts and prayers as Guardians 2 comes around again.


Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill

Oh, the life of a SHIELD agent in a movie overrun with gods and superpowered men. Armed with Smulders’ crackling charisma, Maria Hill has been a welcome presence every single time she’s been on screen. And then she gets shipped off to wherever the action isn’t. Smulders is way too talented to be wasted on simple exposition. Which is why Joss Whedon and the Russos keep finding excuses to have her around. That Age of Ultron cocktail party where she busts on all the guys was a tantalizing good start.


Don Cheadle as Lt. James Rhodes / War Machine

Pity the poor second banana who has to wait around for Tony Stark to stop talking before he can get a word in. Cheadle — another Oscar-nominated actor — has been with the MCU since Iron Man 2 (when he took over the Rhodes role from Terrence Howard), and it took until Captain America: Civil War (i.e. THIS YEAR) for him to get any kind of interesting storyline. Said storyline was basically Vision accidentally shooting him out of the sky, followed by his near death. Something tells us his physical therapy won’t be covered in the next Avengers movie.


Judy Greer as Maggie Lang


Here’s another lady on the sidelines, this time Scott Lang’s bitter ex-wife in Ant-Man. BOO! Ex-wives who don’t care about how much we want to watch their louche former husbands dress up in costumes and fight evil! Greer got a bit of attention for this particular thankless role because it came in the middle of a year when all she got were thankless role, between this and Jurassic World and Tomorrowland. Just a parade of wives and mothers who send their husbands and kids off to do the adventuring.


Benicio Del Toro as The Collector

Academy Award-winner Benicio Del Toro has been in two Marvel movies now — Guardians of the Galaxy and the post-credits scene in Thor: The Dark World — playing the Collector. And thus far, that’s exactly what he’s done. Collected things. It’s been as exciting as it sounds.


Natalie Portman as Jane Foster

Academy Award-winner Natalie Portman spent two movies playing Jane Foster, a scientist who ends up being reduced to “Thor’s girlfriend” basically the instant Thor lands on Earth.Of all the Marvel romances (Tony Stark/Pepper Potts; Steve Rodgers/Peggy Carter; Natasha Romanov/Bruce Banner), Thor/Jane has never felt nearly on equal footing. While it would be tough to blame anyone for falling for that blond mountain of a man, Jane’s descent into damsel-in-distress territory in Thor: The Dark World was even more frustrating. Why? WHY would you touch that aether, Jane?!?!  Natalie Portman is simply WAY too big a star to be sidelined like this without actively annoying viewers.


Idris Elba as Heimdall

“Bridge goes up. Bridge goes down. Bridge does up. Bridge goes down.” That’s basically the life of poor, neglected Heimdall. At least when he’s not getting sneak-attacked in semi-off-screen battles. For THIS you cast Idris Elba? If there isn’t some plan down the line for Heimdall to ride that rainbow road straight to Thanos and do battle for the Infinity Gauntlet himself, I am utterly at a loss as to what purpose they cast him for. You’ve got one more Thor in the chamber, Marvel. Make this one count.