Donald Trump Calls The ‘Today Show’ To Complain About Alec Baldwin’s “Mean-Spirited” Impression

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Hey, have you heard the news? Donald Trump, Time Magazine’s newly-minted Person of The Year, doesn’t enjoy the comedic stylings of Saturday Night Live.

The President-elect made an appearance this morning on the TODAY show and the topic of conversation once again shifted to Trump’s ongoing feud with both Alec Baldwin and SNL. “Can we agree, President-elect Trump, that at this stage it would be better for you to simply stop watching SNL as opposed to watching it and then complaining about it?” Matt Lauer asked.

Trump’s response? Nah.

“Well I hosted SNL when it was a good show, but it’s not a good show anymore,” Trump replied. “Nothing to do with me; there’s nothing funny about it. The skits are terrible. I like Alec, but his imitation of me is really mean-spirited and not very good. I don’t think it’s good. And I do like him, and I like him as an actor, but I don’t think his imitation of me gets me at all. And it’s meant to be very mean-spirited, which is very biased. And I don’t like it. So I can tweet that out.”

Trump hasn’t hidden his strong distaste for the long-running late night series, and his running commentary hasn’t slowed since the election. After Saturday Night Live based last weekend’s cold open on Trump’s affinity for tweeting, the President-elect (naturally) took to Twitter to respond, which resulted in Baldwin himself — presumably without the use of cue cards — zinging Trump.

Trump concluded his most-recent SNL recap by questioning how long the series, which is now in its 42nd season, will last.

“Frankly, the way the show is going now — and you look at the kind of work they’re doing — who knows how long that show is going to be on? It’s a terrible show.”

His Saturday Night Live retro-recaps are really going to be something. Trump is not going to be a fan of Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

[Where to stream Saturday Night Live]

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