Really Internet: In ‘Fantastic Beasts,’ Newt Is So Strange Because He Treats People Like Animals

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There are few fanbases more intensely dedicated than Potterheads. For decades now, the iconic children’s series has shaped our pop culture environment and given birth to a an overwhelming number of adoring fans of all ages. You know what that means: The Wizarding World is practically overflowing with insane internet theories.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the newest addition to J.K. Rowling’s expansive universe, is no exception. There are a lot of in-depth theories surrounding this latest magical installment because anything Harry Potter related breeds internet mischief. However, one of the theories I’ve personally found the most interesting doesn’t have to do with lineage or the Ministry of Magic. It has to do with how very weird our protagonist is.


Very early on in the movie it becomes clear that our hero, Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne), is an eccentric man. He hunches, seems skittish around people, and often avoids eye contact. All of this anti-social behavior falls in line with Newt’s introverted personality, but one Reddit user has a different theory. Newt acts this way because he approaches people the same way he approaches animals.


The theory’s internet originator, BridgetteBane, makes a good argument. Early on, it becomes clear that the Magizoology expert is far more at ease with the mysterious creatures he adores than people. All of the characteristics that make Newt seem eccentric to other people, such as hunching his shoulders, stooping, bowing his head, and avoiding eye contact, would work to make him seem non threatening to an animal. Whether intentional or not, Newt is making himself look smaller and less formidable in an attempt to appear submissive, likely because he either feels intimidated or threatened.

This definitely makes since. Newt is a dedicated zoologist, and as such, he’s programmed his body language so that he can approach beasts in the best way possible. How do you get an animal to trust you? By hiding your dominance. However, the original poster notes that all of that changes when Newt starts protecting his Bowtruckle (a tree-dwelling magical creature). That’s when Newt begins to assert his dominance, straightening his posture and making more direct eye contact.


Honestly, this theory makes an insane amount of sense, and it falls in line with J.K. Rowling’s intensely detailed universe. It’s not uncommon for a Harry Potter character to behave in a very specific way because of something connected to their past or profession. The question is whether Newt approaches people like the beasts he so adores intentionally or unintentionally.

I like to think it’s intentional. If you work closely with animals, you become incredibly sensitive to whether you’re being overly dominant or submissive through your body language. Believing that Newt is not only in tune with his body language but intentionally tries to make himself seem nonthreatening to other people speaks deeply to Newt’s perception of how he fits into the world. It’s a little moment, but it makes the whole movie just a little richer. Isn’t that what we want from all our fan theories?

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is playing in theaters.