‘Harlots’: The History Behind The Sex Scenes

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Photo: Hulu

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From Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies:
"This lady is neither handsome, well dressed, well lodged, nor well bred; yet she will give more delight than most of the finical dames, who think they do their gallants a favour to admit their embraces at a high price. This humble girl is thankful for a crown, and will testify her gratitude in what ever way you choose, she is willing to appear in the dress of pure nature, as her skin is without spot or blemish, her breasts small and plump, and her limbs well turned and well proportioned. It is her joy to give joy, and she omits no means of procuring it; though her compliance is ample, she is so reserved in her demand that she takes what is given, and does not, like too many of her sisterhood, seize the minute just preceding the moment of ecstasy to demand more, and either proceed or draw back as her demands are gratified or not...She has lately been to visit her parents in Derbyshire, and is now returned a tolerable fresh piece again. [Annotation: Miss Cowper]"

GIF: Hulu

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From Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies:
"Should the man of pleasure take a nocturnal ramble into this lady's lodgings, and be happy enough to find her at home and alone, he need not with himself for that night be under the influence of any other star than that of Venus; as she will very agreeably make the dullest hours to pass away with the soft music of love, and beat time to its silent harmony in all the luxury of soft delight; she is of a fine brunette complexion, hazel eyes, which beam inexpressibly sweet, remarkable fine teeth, plump firm bubbies, and a stately carriage; Her price is from two guineas upwards, to any sum the gentleman she obliges thinks she merits; which at the blooming age of twenty cannot be too much. Had she less partiality for a certain hair dresser, we think she would be more pleasing to the generality of her visitors. [Annotation: Miss Morris]"

GIF: Hulu

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From Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies:
"I hope none of our readers will prove a Mr. L-d-tt, who, about fix months ago, from a mere silly quarrel with this his favourite fair, thought it convenient to finish his existence in the leaden way; she does not possess either youth or novelty sufficient to tempt many, to act in that way, having been at least seven years a trading nymph to our knowledge; she is tall, and genteelly made, with a fine skin, and beautiful flaxen hair, but is too fond of the brandy bottle to give that sincere delight, that mutual interchange of souls, so necessary to stamp the ecstatic rapture; she may, however, prove to those that will drink a glass with her, and has no objection to become as merry as herself, a desirable piece, as she is neither extravagant in her demands, or nice in the choice of her admirers. [Annotation: Miss Brown]"

GIF: Hulu

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From Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies:
"Without possessing any particular attracting charms this lady pleases, and has many admirers. Her face is agreeable without being pretty, she is well made, without being strictly genteel; and a friend to mirth and good humour, without vulgarity. She carries on a snug good trade, without going much abroad, and is, in bed, a very amorous companion..no one that has three guineas in his pocket, ought to be against parting with two thirds to oblige her. [Annotation: Miss Molesworth]

GIF: Hulu

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From Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies:
"She is of the middle size, light hair, blue eyes, and about twenty-two; she is a very agreeable companion, sings a good song, and is a buxom, lively, luscious bed-fellow, but has nothing remarkable above the common run of women of the town, who are young and handsome; she has been a sportswoman in the Cyprian Games* about five years, and always expects two pounds two* before she is mounted. [Annotation: Miss Douglass]"

GIF: Hulu