‘Outlander’: Your First Look At Season Three

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Starz gave Outlander fans their first look at Season Three (aka “Book Three”) before The White Princess premiere last night and it looks fantastic. You know, if you’re into Sam Heughan’s Jamie Fraser earnestly monologuing about how much he loves Claire — WHICH I VERY MUCH AM.
The teaser suggests that Book Three will give us way more time jumps than just the one Claire takes back through the Stones. That is, we’ll see Jamie at the Battle of Culloden and its aftermath in the 1740s and we’ll watch Claire raise Brianna through her teen years. We get flashes of Claire (seated with Frank) sporting the most fetching late ’50s bob and wearing full medical scrubs. Meanwhile, Jamie must contend with battles, hallway shootouts, and literal ruins.
However, what got me swooning the most? The way Jamie Fraser totally invokes the spirit of one of my favorite movie moments of all time (Hawkeye roaring “I will find you!” in Michael Mann’s The Last of the Mohicans, natch) and proclaims that he will find Claire. Here’s Jamie’s entire monologue:

“I have lied, killed, and broken trust. But when I stand before God, I’ll have one thing to say to weigh against all the rest. Lord, you gave me a rare woman. God, I loved her well. I’ll find you. (Claire!) I promise.”

Outlander Season Three will debut on Starz this September.

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Photo: Everett Collection
Every couple deserves a romantic meet cute, but Jamie and Claire's a was a tad unconventional: after all, she had just time traveled from 1945 into a 1743 Scottish skirmish and he was suffering from a dislocated shoulder. But as fate would have it, Claire knew how to heal such a battle wound. She reset his shoulder and set into motion an unlikely epic romance.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Then, things got a little hotter between them when Claire reluctantly pulled Jamie's kilt over both of them for warmth.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Claire and Jamie's relationship is defined by the fireworks set off by their mutual stubbornness. They both get a taste of each other's spirit when she chastises him for keeping his bullet wound a secret...Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
...but he didn't seem to mind her sass.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
In episode two, the pair became closer when Claire found out about his horrific scars — and vendetta against Captain Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Later, Claire visited him at the stables with fresh bandages and a picnic lunch. Aw! They're becoming besties!Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Things moved slowly from there... There would be occasional moments of hot and heavy tension when Claire examined Jamie's wounds....Footage: Starz; Gif: Meghan O'Keefe
...or when they'd accidentally roll in the hay together. (Note: that's not a metaphor.)Footage: Starz; Gif: Meghan O'Keefe
Jamie's crush on Claire started to assert itself when they went on the road to help collect the rent. He slept outside her room and gave her a blanket so she wouldn't be cold.Footage: Starz; Gif: Meghan O'Keefe
AND THEY TOUCHED.Footage: Starz; Gif: Meghan O'Keefe
Claire's developing crush on Jamie popped up when she got all concerned about how Dougal was using him to raise money for the Scottish nationalist cause on the road (and when she peaked at him shirtless).Footage: Starz; Gif: Meghan O'Keefe
After Claire's life is put in danger by the pernicious Captain Randall, they "begrudgingly" agree to get married.Footage: Starz; Gif: Meghan O'Keefe
Getting married meant that Jamie and Claire could finally bone!Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
...and we could finally get a good look at Mr. Fraser's bum. Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Then, we got to watch Jamie and Claire enjoy a brief "honeymoon" period of kissing on the Highlands...Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
...motorboating on the Highlands...Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
...and comforting each other after murdering Red Coats on the Highlands. Visit 1743 Scotland for your Honeymoon today!Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Later, after Claire is captured by the Redcoats, Jamie proves that he's the best lover ever by coming to the rescue!Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Oh, but then things turn when he wants to punish Claire for disobeying him.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Not cool, Jamie!Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Claire accepts Jamie's apology only after he promises to never lay a hand on her again...Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
...and if he does, she'll kill him. (Jamie is kind of turned on by this.)Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Things are soon back to normal for Mr. and Mrs. Fraser. Normal includes morning oral sex.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
What could come between our lovers now? What about a witch trial?Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
After narrowly avoiding a fiery death at the stake, Claire reveals her deep, dark secret to Jamie.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Our noble Scot’s reaction is to give Claire the freedom to go home — and back to Frank — if she wishes.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
She chooses Jamie (THANK GOD). Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Oh, wait. How’d this get in the gallery? Hmmm...Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Anyway, Jamie takes Claire home to Lallybroch, where he tells her why he married her, and the couple gets a brief moment of domestic bliss. Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Have we talked about how generally perfect Jamie is? When Claire reveals that she probably can’t have kids, he comforts her and tells her that it’s a relief because pregnancy (and life in 1743 Scotland) is so dangerous. Aw…Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Shortly after that sweet moment, Jamie goes off to fight with the Watch and is captured by the British. Thus, begins a crazy journey for Claire that culminates in her finding him at Black Jack's mercy in Fort William — only to be separated once more. At least they get one (more) kiss goodbye.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
After Jamie is finally saved from his truly horrible ordeal with Captain Randall, Claire must find a way to save him from his shame and grief. Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Somehow, Claire reaches Jamie with the power of her love.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Then, as our favorite couple departs for France, Claire reveals that she is, in fact, pregnant.Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel
Jamie is happy. Claire is happy. WE ARE HAPPY. Footage: Starz; Gif: Jaclyn Kessel

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