Bill Maher Uses Lewd Hand Gesture In Ivanka Trump Incest Joke

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No one asked for Bill Maher to outdo Stephen Colbert’s now infamous Late Show rant on the shock-o-meter, but the host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher decided to give it a try. On Friday’s installment of his late night political comedy show, Maher dropped a straight-up incest joke during an interview with New York magazine’s Gabriel Sherman, a journalist known for his deep dives into the goings on at Fox News.

“We see all this misogyny at Fox News, we see it in Donald Trump himself,” said Maher. “A lot of us thought: Ivanka is gonna be our saving grace. When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and” — this is where it gets incesty. While imitating Ivanka Trump cooing the phrase “daddy, daddy,” Maher mimicked a, to put it bluntly, handjob. “‘Don’t do it, Daddy,’” imitated Maher one more time, along with the hand gesture.

Maher’s lewd joke plays on some of the comments President Donald Trump has made about his daughter’s looks in the past, including — as The Daily Beast rounded up — saying that he would probably date or even sleep with her if she, you know, wasn’t his daughter. Maher took that premise to an all-new and all-lewd level with his incest-evoking hand gesture.

This is far from the first time the HBO host has stirred up controversy, and he’s no stranger to aggravating folks on both sides of the political spectrum. Earlier this year, he stirred up the left-leaning crowd by inviting controversial right-wing provocateur and Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos on his program.

Whether or not Maher’s latest offense will lead to a trending hashtag (#FireMaher?) remains unclear. It’s also unlikely that the FCC will launch an investigation into the remark, as it occurred on a pay-cable service and not on a broadcast channel like Colbert’s Late Show slur.


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