Queue And A

Landon Clements Confirms She’ll Be Spending Time With Her ‘Southern Charm’ Co-Star Thomas Ravenel This Summer: “Our Relationship Continues To Grow”

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It has been quite a time for the crew of Southern Charm! Cameran announced her pregnancy, Craig passed the bar, Shep is starring in his own spinoff show trying to find love somewhere around this country, and Whitney will be producing Southern Charm New Orleans for Bravo. And for Landon Clements? Well, she got to hop on the phone with us! She gave us the latest updates on her relationship with Thomas Ravenel, why she’s inviting her pals from The Hills, Spencer and Heidi Pratt to watch a polo match with her, and what’s going on with her website. We also got her to dish on why she’s officially Team Austen now, how she’s “always there” for Kathryn, and what it feels like to have the internet Googling what’s going on with her body.

DECIDER: In last week’s episode, we saw Thomas say that you wanted a day date to friendzone him. Are you keeping him at arm’s length a little bit and is there anything he can do, or does try to do, to change that?

LANDON CLEMENTS: I’m definitely keeping him in the friend zone, as it were. There’s a very funny scene in this episode where Whitney talks about his baggage. Not only does he have checked baggage, he has overhead baggage. He has baggage that is too large and needs to be checked. I think Whitney pretty much nailed it on the reasons why it won’t work out between old Thomas and I.

What did you think about the opening of this season where we got to see a little bit of a flash-forward?

Yeah! That scene was quite a shock to me, so I was even more shocked to see that they used it as the opening for the whole season. But you have to respect and love anyone who will wear their heart on their sleeve like that and just put it all out on the table. Thomas is a great guy and I’ve known him for a long time and we’ve just been very good friends. Our relationship continues to grow and he’s got a lot on his plate right now. I’m just glad that he feels comfortable that he can talk to me about all these things.

What’s the latest with your website Roam, and are we going to see the next stages of it as the season goes on?

Absolutely! We’ve had to change the name to Trovare, which means ‘to find’ in Italian. I did my due diligence and there are a bunch of other companies named Roam so we didn’t want any confusion. When I set up all the LLCs and bank accounts and fun stuff like that, that’s when we did all of our legal stuff. I always wanted to give it an Italian name, but with my partner, we thought that it would make it sound a little too pretentious. We get a lot of, what I consider negative feedback, that the show is already so pretentious and that we’re so high society. That’s why we went with Roam. It was something a little bit more common. But like I said, after we did the due diligence that name was taken and we went with Trovare. I went to school in Italy and that’s what started my spark for loving travel and adventure and all of that good stuff. It just seemed like a natural fit.

Last season, when you met with Lockhart at Vox, it seemed like you guys had some chemistry going on. Can you tell me a little bit more about your relationship and if you felt similarly?

I don’t know what you are referring to as chemistry. I pretty much just met him that day. A friend of a friend had put us in touch. They have Eater Charleston and so the girl that writes for them in Charleston, Erin, put us in touch. Charleston’s a small town. We all know each other and I told her I was doing this stuff. That’s when I got put in touch with Lockhart. We do still stay in touch, so hopefully when I get to a bigger platform then it might be something that Vox is still interested in, but I’ve got a lot of work to do on my side.

People are obsessed with the fact that you were briefly on The Hills. Does it surprise you that people love this part of your past so much and have you stayed in touch with any of that crew?

Yes. I don’t think that it’s so much that it’s a part of my past. I think The Hills is such a big part of my age group growing up. I mean, they were on for almost ten years and we all kind of grew up together. I was only on it a couple episodes. I wasn’t really supposed to be on it at all. I was working for Philippe Stark at the time and that’s when we were doing all the hotels and restaurants and nightclubs. Then Brent Bolthouse joined our team, so because I knew the property inside and out, I started working with Brent. While I was working with Brent, that’s when they were filming The Hills. I actually still stay in touch with Heidi. She just announced that her and Spencer are having a baby. I’m hoping I’m going to get some time to spend with her this summer because Thomas is playing polo in Santa Barbara. Hopefully we can get them to come out to a match.

So you’re doing a little traveling with the polo team?

Yeah, absolutely. Thomas played the last season in Palm Springs so now he’ll be with the Santa Barbara Polo Club starting, I think, this Sunday. It’s so much fun, you have to come out.

Ok, I’ll be there! Speaking of baby news, were you surprised by Cam’s news and how do you think she’ll be as a mother?

To be honest, I was surprised. She kept saying she wanted another year or maybe even two years, but I’m just so happy for them. They are going to be amazing parents and they have a huge support system of friends and family and we are just so, so excited about this baby.

Shep’s new spinoff (Relationshep) was also recently announced. What kind of woman do you think he needs?

Funny you should ask because I filmed with Shep when he filmed out here in L.A. and I actually set him up with quite a few of my girlfriends from L.A. and Dallas and New York, so he’ll be making the rounds. That’s what’s fun about his show is it’s not just a cattle call like The Bachelor. He’s actually being set up with friends of friends. That should be an interesting twist.

When it comes to Chelsea’s “Sophie’s Choice” are you on Team Shep or Team Austen.

I gotta go with Team Austen on this one. Shep had his moment. He let her go.

That true. And now he’s out there roaming the country looking for a new lady.

Lord help us.

As we discuss the other cast members, do you have a different perspective on Kathryn at all this season?

It’s tricky to say. She acts one way when we’re filming and another way when we’re not. She has a lot going on in her life right now and some things that she needs to take care of, so I just wish her the best. I’m always there for her if she wants to talk but she’s never really wanted to talk.

This is kind of a weird thing, but the second most popular search term for you on Google is if you’re pregnant. It’s one thing to have people in your life put that pressure on you but, how does that feel when there’s that internet pressure?

How did you even search that? I feel no internet pressure. It’s comical. People say awful things and they are able to hide behind a computer screen or a keyboard so I don’t really pay it any mind.


In other news, we saw that Craig passed the bar last week.

I know! I don’t really believe it. I need to see some documentation. We’re so happy for him. I talked to him the night before he went to go and take it and he was really nervous, and then I talked to him again after he took the test and he was still nervous. A long time and a lot of hard work seemed to finally pay off. The big question is whether or not he’s actually going to become a lawyer.

According to last week’s episode, it looks like he might have a future as a seamstress.

I mean, was that not the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen? He’s a househusband.

Yeah! I kind of love that he does know how to do everything.

He’s had some time on his hands the last couple of years. Hopefully that won’t be the case anymore.

We met with the Queen Patricia last week. Do you have one of her caftans with your dog’s face on it?

Lucky you! I do but she hasn’t given it to me yet because it just came in and both of us have been traveling so much. She is doing a book signing out here in May, so I’ll be at that with her. I’m also about to go home to Charleston for Mother’s Day so maybe I can get my caftan then, but I’m very much looking forward to the Charlotte caftan. Naomi got hers with Gizmo so I was already jealous.

We look forward to you modeling that on Instagram, for sure.

For sure. If we get another season we’ll definitely have some sort of caftan party.

Oh yes please. Now, is your gentleman friend Drew still in the picture?

He is, but just as a friend. I’m actually out here in California for a couple of months. I got my real estate license initially in California, so I’m having to do some continued education to get my license renewed. Then it will reciprocate in South Carolina. I’ve also been working on Trovare and building out the back end of the website and getting collaborations with more sponsored content with a bunch of my friends out here that are in PR.

Oh, very cool. Go you!

Yay, thank you! It’s nice to her positive feedback. All I ever see is Twitter saying this or that and I just basically shut it off.

Yeah, you can’t look at that. You were surprised that he had never been to New York. Where is a place that you do think everyone should visit?

Charleston! That’s kind of the problem. It’s a very tiny bubble and it’ll make you crazy. We have a whole Trovare Charleston guide, too. Most of the places are owned by a friend or they were things that were on the show, but to be honest, my favorite thing to do in Charleston is get out on the water. It’s always tricky with production because they’re like ‘Landon you’re in one boat, but now we need three other places that we can film you in the boat.’ I wish we could do more water stuff and that’s really my special, secret place. Also, Sullivan’s Island won’t let us film out there, so that’s really where I hide out.

That’s nice you’ve got a hideaway. Is there a place you’ve always wanted to go but haven’t been to yet?

Morocco. That’s on the tip top of my list right now. I love anything that immerses you in a completely different culture.

What else is coming up on the show this season that you are excited for people to see?

I’m so excited about our Key West trip. It will also be the first time that I’m about to link Trovare into a travel thing that we’ve done. So from Trovare you’ll be able to book the hotel where we stayed, see all of the fun bars that we went to, rent the mopeds, shop all of our looks. It will be a big thing for Trovare and a hilarious couple of episodes for Southern Charm.

Southern Charm airs Monday nights at 9pm ET on Bravo.

Where to watch Southern Charm