Seth Meyers Takes ‘A Closer Look’ At The Email Paul Ryan’s Staff Sent To ‘Late Night’

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On last night’s Late Night with Seth Meyers, viewers were treated to “A Closer Look”, a regular segment on the show. Only this time, they got some interesting feedback from a viewer.

Meyers kicked it off by addressing the Flynn testimonies that took place earlier in the day, but easily segued into how the Republicans were handling the aftermath of last week’s healthcare bill. Many representatives were met with unhappy constituents in their communities, nearly all of them avoided answering the question of if they’d read the entire bill, and then there’s Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

While he was very busy working to get the bill passed last week, he was also sure to catch Meyers’ segment about how the bill was being rushed, and he had his office respond with an email. But as Meyers explained, “Unlike Republicans and their healthcare bill, we actually read the whole email.”

Meyers goes on to point out, complete with a clip package, how adamant Ryan was about not rushing bills through when it came to Obamacare — the exact action he’s been taking with the current healthcare plan. He even references a speech Ryan gave that he calls, “the exact moment [Obama’s] hair turned gray.” Although, it is nice to see that Ryan has laid off the hair gel a bit and is currently working with a much more manageable and professional haircut these days.

The late night host took the opportunity to respond to the claims in the email, which the show unsurprisingly did not agree with, and backed up their reasoning for the segment. For as much as he critiques Ryan, Meyers seemed to be quite honest when he said, “We genuinely appreciate the engagement and would love to have Speaker Ryan on the show.” We’ll stay tuned for that, which would be quite a moment.

Where to watch Late Night with Seth Meyers