New Dutch Documentary Investigates Donald Trump’s Alleged Ties To Russian Mobsters

A Dutch sketch that went viral soon after Donald Trump took office urged the new president to make the Netherlands second, and a meme was born. But it turns out that Dutch reporters can also make serious Trump documentaries, and one such film hit YouTube over the weekend. What’s interesting about it is that it looks at the business ties between Trump and Russia, including shady dealings with prominent Russian mobsters and oligarchs.

Spotted by Raw Story, Zembla’s documentary is called The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump, and it consists of two parts including “The Russians” and “King of Diamonds.” Both episodes detail powerful people of Russian descent who have apparently partnered up with Trump for various ventures in the US, and who have ties to Putin.

If all the allegations in these documentaries are accurate, they’re going to make Sean Spicer’s job even more difficult, assuming he still has one.

NBC, Hulu

This is the kind of documentary that couldn’t have been timed better considering Trump’s recent firing of FBI director James Comey, the guy who was investigating the ties between Trump and Russia, and what those ties mean for last year’s presidential election.

Is it “fake” news? If you have an hour and a half to spare, bathroom breaks included, you should watch Zembla’s documentary and decide for yourself. Both parts are embedded below in their entirety.