Seth Meyers Compares Trump’s Firing Of James Comey To A Bad Episode Of ‘Law & Order: SVU’

At NBC’s Upfront presentation Monday morning, late-night star Seth Meyers joked his network’s Law & Order: SVU had a big year, having gotten elected President.

Hours later, Meyers continued that theme, on air.

Shortly before Meyers taped, WaPo reported Trump had revealed classified information to Russian diplomats who visited the White House the day after Trump fired FBI director James Comey. Trump surrogates, including Veep Mike Pence, insisted the firing had nothing to do with the FBI’s investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion with Russian election meddlers. But, a couple days later, in an interview on Fox News Channel, Trump “flat out admitted” he fired Comey because, he thought the Russia investigation is a hoax, Meyers said.

Trump told FNC, “When I decided to [fire Comey] I said to myself, you know this Russia thing, with Trump and Russia, is a made-up story,” dismissing it as an “excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.”

“Normally, you only get a confession that blatant at the end of an episode of Law & Order: SVU, Meyers explained. “But Tump is like a guy who answers the door in the first five minutes, sees Ice T and says, ‘I’m guilty.’”

Meyers called it “disorienting how blatant Trump is about the shady stuff he does” adding, “Trump just admits to wrongdoing, and then dares us to do something about it.”

Where to stream Late Night with Seth Meyers