James Corden Delivers Emotional Tribute To Manchester Following Ariana Grande Concert Attack

“While taping our show earlier tonight we heard the horrific news coming out of Manchester, in England, that there has been an incident at Ariana Grande’s concert,” CBS Late Late Show host James Corden said Monday night.

“We still have no real information about what’s happening. All we know is the tragic news that there are multiple fatalities and many injuries. It shocks me every time we hear this sort of news, that attacks like this can happen, but especially when there will be so many children at this concert tonight,” he added.

“Many of you won’t have ever been to Manchester,” the Brit continued. “But you will have heard of it. It’s famous all over the world for so many wonderful things…But when I think of Manchester, the place that I know, I think of the spirit of the people there and…a more tight-knit people you will be hard pressed to find; strong proud, caring people with community at their core. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Manchester tonight.”

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