Really Internet: Gus Polanski in ‘Home Alone’ Is a Devil

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Home Alone

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If you know where to look (Reddit), the internet is full of insane fan theories that will give you renewed respect or disgust for your favorite shows and movies. However, when it comes to children’s entertainment, those theories take insanity to the next level.

Welcome back to Really Internet, a corner of the web dedicated to diving into the strangest, funniest, and most surprisingly believable fan theories around. This week I’m taking a second look at a movie we all know and love even though it isn’t Christmas yet — Home Alone. Starring Macaulay Culkin, this heart-warming and hilarious story of child abandonment looks a bit terrifying in retrospect. But there’s one theory out there that transforms this sweet kid’s movie into a supernatural horror show.

©20thCentFox/Courtesy Everett C


After becoming a frequent flyer in less than three days, Kate McAllister (Catherine O’Hare) finds herself stranded in Scranton and unable to return to Chicago to be with her seven-year-old son. Right as she’s at the height of her desperation, the conveniently placed Gus Polanski (John Candy) offers to drive her to Chicago. However, what if the musician’s offer is less of a gesture of kindness from a stranger and more of a calculated deal with a supernatural being?


The idea that Gus may be a devil seems insane at first, but Reddit user drewgarr makes a very good argument. The first element of this Reddit theory is Gus’ timing. Gus makes his first appearance right after Kate says this:

I don’t care if I have to get out on your runway and hitchhike! If it costs me everything I own — if I have to sell my soul to the devil himself, I am going to get home to my son.

This may not be a hyperbole but an actual bargaining chip for an exchange. Location also plays a big role in this fan theory. The Scranton airport is located on a crossroads. According to several myths about demons and devils, if you offer a bargaining chip to the devil at a crossroads, a devil will show up and deliver what you want in exchange for your offering. So according to this theory, Kate’s exaggerated remark was met by a real offer from an actual devil. By accepting to ride with Gus to Chicago — which she does — Kevin’s mom literally sells her soul to be with her son.

Everett Collection


The theorizing and plot points for this theory kind of work. Really the only thing holding it back is the intent of the movie as a whole. Home Alone was a relatively mature kid’s movie, which is a big reason why it holds up today. However, it doesn’t really seem like sacrificing yourself for eternal damnation mature.

Still, this was a movie written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Christopher Columbus. If there’s any movie that’s filled with secretive imagery, Home Alone may be it.

Where to stream Home Alone