Hillary Clinton Slams Trump, Cozies Up With Tom Hanks At NYC Charity Events

Last night, former Secretary of State, New York Senator, First Lady, and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was honored by the Children’s Health Fund in New York City and used her speech to slam President Donald Trump‘s budget proposal and the “unimaginable level of cruelty” it shows towards millions of Americans and children. Clinton, who recently began a Trump resistance group called “Onward Together,” condemned the administration and Congress Republicans for marginalizing children, women, seniors, and people with disabilities, and urged audience members to send a “resounding message” of opposition to these attacks on “the most vulnerable among us.” “Poverty is neither a crime, nor a character flaw,” Clinton proclaimed. “Stigmatize those who let people die, not those who struggle to live.” The former presidential candidate also praised the “encouraging response” of the people of Manchester to Monday’s terrorist attack, and sent “compassion and support to the victims and their families.”

The evening wasn’t all doom and gloom, however; later, following the Children’s Health Fund event, the star-studded SeriousFun Children’s Network Gala hosted a slew of stars like Clinton, Tom Hanks, Jimmy Fallon, and Julianna Margulies. When Hanks and Clinton encountered one another at the event, they both appeared to be consumed with glee and cuddled up together on the red carpet for a slew of happy photos. Hanks, who has been vocal about his feelings for President Trump (and recently took the stage at Saturday Night Live to partner with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for a 2020 presidential campaign announcement), joked and hugged Clinton as the two appeared to catch up, but her greeting of Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon did not seem to be as enthusiastic.

Fallon, who received criticism for “humanizing Trump” on his show during election season, also recently came under fire for his comments in an attempted redemption profile in The New York Times that blamed Trump for his ratings dip. While Clinton has appeared on Fallon’s show several times and has not commented on the host’s treatment of Trump, her brush with Fallon at the event was certainly not as warm as her Hanks encounter.

Regardless of any potential hard feelings between the two, Clinton, Hanks, and Fallon later posed for several jovial photos together and hammed it up for the cameras.