‘Price Is Right’ Contestant Loses His Damn Mind After Breaking Plinko Record

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As the saying goes, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them, and for an energetic The Price is Right contestant named Ryan, greatness was bestowed upon him in the form of a record-setting game of Plinko.

Ryan (understandably) lost his damn mind on the Drew Carey-hosted game show today after breaking the show’s long-standing Plinko record and astoundingly walking home with $31,500 – and we can’t blame him. It all began when he bid $1 in the first round and shrieked with enthusiasm as he let his chips fall during Plinko and the first one hit $10,000.

This apparently would have been enough for Ryan – he jumped up and down in a circle and couldn’t stop screaming “OH MY GOD!”, but when the next chip hit $1,000, and the third hit $10,000, all he could muster was “AHHHHHHHH!” The audience (and Carey) shared in Ryan’s enthusiasm as he kept raking it in, and when the crowd started chanting Ryan’s name, he threw arms into the air and couldn’t help but join them.

The fourth chip, which landed on a less-exciting $500, still couldn’t ruin Ryan’s joy, but he was determined to drive this one home for his fifth and final chip, so he started another chant: “number five! Number five!” As the fateful chip found its home on $10,000 and the total rose to $31,500, the breathless Ryan – and the rest of the crowd – went justifiably bonkers.

Twitter joined in to celebrate Ryan’s victory, expressing their shared joy and total disbelief for what they had just witnessed:

No word yet on what Ryan plans to do with his $31,500.