‘The Simpsons’: Ghost Of Richard Nixon Advises Trump In Comedy Short

The Simpsons may be in reruns for the summer, but the creative team behind the long-running, animated series won’t rest until President Donald Trump is out of office. Case in point? This newly released follow-up to their “review” of POTUS’ first 100 days in office.

The sequel begins with a shot of advisers Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, all of whom have hung themselves in the White House’s press briefing room. We then check in with Vice President Mike Pence, who is in the midst of scratching the word “Vice” off of his nameplate.

When the short finally gets around to Trump, we find him conducting an unusual meeting with former FBI Director James Comey. The frenemies are eventually interrupted by the ghost of President Richard Nixon, who has come to thank Trump for helping improve his embattled legacy.

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