Johnny Depp Sparks Controversy With Tasteless Trump Assassination Joke

Another day another controversy for enigmatic actor Johnny Depp.

Already mired in allegations of spousal abuse, Depp once again finds himself in the middle of a contentious situation after making a quip about the potential assassination of the President of the United States. While attending the Glastonbury Festival in England, Depp broached the delicate subject matter as he was introducing a screening of his 2004 film The Libertine. 

“Can we bring Trump here?” the actor asked to a mix of boos and jeers from the crowd. “No, no, no, you’ve miss understood completely. I think he needs help,” he continued.

Ever prescient, the actor seemed to know that his next comment was going to lead to public backlash. “This is going to be in the press, and it will be horrible… When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” Depp said to an overwhelmingly positive response. “Now I want to clarify, I’m not an actor. I lie for a living.”

Photo: YouTube

Depp’s comments appear to be a reference to actor John Wilkes Booth’s assassination of Abraham Lincoln, but have nonetheless sparked controversy. Secret Service staff assistant Shawn Holtzclaw told CNN that the Secret Service is aware of the comments Depp made about Donald Trump.

“For security reasons, we cannot discuss specifically nor in general terms the means and methods of how we perform our protective responsibilities,” according to a statement from the Secret Service.