Bill Maher Says Trump’s ‘Morning Joe’ Tweets Prove You’re ‘Never Too Rich To Be White Trash’

UPDATED With Video Bill Maher did some last-minute and entirely expected monologue writing today, taking aim at Donald Trump’s Morning Joe tweets that prove, the Real Time host said, “you are never too rich to be white trash.”

Morning Joe is in a twitter feud with the Real Housewife of Pennsylvania Avenue,” Maher said at the top of tonight’s Real Time With Bill Maher on HBO. Quoting the president’s low-bar tweet about MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski (“She was bleeding badly from a face-lift”), Maher said, “That slapping sound you heard yesterday was the entire country going…”, then did a forehead slap.

Like Donny Deutsch on today’s Morning Joe, Maher did what Sarah Huckabee Sanders might describe as fighting fire with fire, or Michelle Obama would call going low.

“A little advice, Mr. President, a good rule to live by: If you’re going to go after a woman’s appearance, first make sure you’re not a fat old man with orange face paint pretending to be a blond at the age of 71.”

During the roundtable discussion later in the show, guest Katty Kay, the BBC correspondent and frequent Morning Joe contributor, said that Trump’s Morning Joe tweets followed the “benevolent sexism” of the president’s earlier encounter with an Irish female reporter, and that he “punched back” against Brzezinski with “viciousness and cruelty.”

Another Real Time guest, Mediaite founder Dan Abrams, said that as “gross and awful” as the Brzezinski insult was, it’s “nothing compared to the allegation of blackmail,” a reference to the charge made by Brzezinski and co-host Joe Scarborough that Trump aides offered to have a sleazy National Enquirer story spiked in exchange for a personal apology to the president.

Maher sided against Scarborough on one point, though, quoting the Morning Joe co-host as saying “The guy that’s in the White House is not the guy that we knew two years ago.”

“What the f*ck is he talking about?” Maher said. “Two years ago was when the campaign started. It started with ‘Mexicans are rapists.’ I think this is the same guy.”

Tonight’s episode of Real Time was the last before a summer hiatus. The HBO show returns August 4.

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