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Decider’s Favorite Flicks To Watch On The Fourth Of July

Today we honor the birth of our great nation and all it represents.

Today we also are likely spending the day frolicking in the surf and sun, grilling up hot dogs and hamburgers, and waiting for the brief space of time when fireworks will light up the sky. At some point, we will be inside, though, and we’ll want to wind down with the perfect movie for the Fourth of July.

So what makes a great Fourth of July flick? There’s got to be action, excitement, and above all, a deep rooted love for America – or at least a deep rooted lust for the great American summer. We asked everyone on Team Decider to weigh in on their favorite films to watch on the Fourth of July and here is what everyone pledged their allegiance to.

'Rocky IV'

Photo: Everett Collection

If you’re looking to be fully immersed in patriotism, I have one word and one number for you: Rocky IV. The whole film is gangbusters and the Rocky/Drago showdown is chock full of red, white, black, and blue action, but the moment that’s a perfect celebration of the Fourth of July is Apollo Creed’s patriotic entrance to James Brown’s rollicking anthem “Living in America.” Accompanied by a gigantic fire-spewing bull and dressed like 1,001 computers simultaneously typed “USA” into Google Images, Carl Weathers’ entrance is aggressively American, and I love every absurd second of it. 

Drago didn’t appreciate Apollo’s over-the-top antics, so he punched him to death, which was very sad and actually quite rude, but Apollo’s entrance is top-notch. – Josh Sorokach

Where to Stream Rocky IV

'G.I. Joe: Retaliation'

Photo: Everett Collection

Since the ludicrous/objectively perfect 1987 animated G.I. Joe film is M.I.A. on streaming services, your best bet if you want some aggressively All-American attitude is 2013’s G.I. Joe: Retaliation. This sequel/soft reboot of the Joe franchise is almost as gleefully bizarre as the original cartoon, and it features more guns, more ninja fights, and more Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson than 2009’s bland G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. If you like your fireworks with a side of fisticuffs, then Retaliation is your movie. – Brett White

Where to Stream G.I. Joe: Retaliation

'Magic Mike'

Photo: Everett Collection

Our favorite male strippers celebrate everything that makes America truly beautiful, by throwing themselves a 4th of July sandbar party at the beach, followed by a patriotic routine in army pants…well, tearaway pants, because you know they’ve got on flag thongs underneath. If you want to ooh and ahh on July 4th, go ahead and skip the fireworks — they all look the same anyway, that technology hasn’t been updated in years — and opt for a Magic Mike viewing instead. Because, really, what could possibly make you prouder to be an American than watching Channing Tatum hump a stage? – Lea Palmieri

Where to Stream Magic Mike

'Blow Out'

Photo: Everett Collection

When I think Fourth of July, I think about the totally devastating ending of Brian De Palma’s underrated classic, Blow Out. During Philadelphia’s Liberty Day parade, a frantic Jack (John Travolta) struggles to save Sally (Nancy Allen) as she is being attacked by a killer (John Lithgow) to cover up a recent assassination of the state’s governor. Though Jack is unable to save her, he does avenge her death by knifing Lithgow against the backdrop of a blood red American flag in a glow of a fantastic fireworks display. – Karen Kemmerle

Where to Stream Blow Out

'The Rocketeer'

Photo: Everett Collection

This movie is so America! 

A leading man named Cliff.

A leading lady named Jenny (But we all know she’s Bettie Page).

A Howard Hughes type inventor/millionaire/philanthropist. 



Punching Nazis in the face.

Thompson machine guns.

Soo much America. – Dillen Phelps

Where to Stream The Rocketeer


Photo: Everett Collection

It’s the movie that gave birth to summer blockbusters while giving everyone a healthy fear of sharks in the process. Steven Spielberg’s masterful horror movie is the perfect summer-themed to watch with friends. Everyone knows the lines, everyone can relate to Quint’s love of beer and Brody’s love of wine, and it’s explosion-filled finale is incredible. – Kayla Cobb

Where to Stream Jaws

'I Know What You Did Last Summer'

Photo: Everett Collection

Starring ’90s icons like Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Freddie Prinze Jr., I Know What You Did Last Summer finds four teens driving home from July 4th celebrations in their quaint New England town when they accidentally hit a pedestrian. Like any rational teen would, they toss the seemingly dead man into the ocean, but guess what?! He’s not dead. One year later, he’s back with a rain slicker, giant hook, and thirst for vengeance. I Know What You Did Last Summer is delightfully campy, stocked full of genre clichés, and features one of the best horror chase scenes ever. This classic teen slasher’s fireworks are more absurdly sinister than celebratory, and that’s why it’s the perfect Fourth of July flick. – Jade Budowski

Where to Stream I Know What You Did Last Summer

'Captain America: The First Avenger'

Photo: Everett Collection

If I have one mission in life right now it’s making sure everyone gives the most perfectly American movie, Captain America: The First Avenger, the respect it deserves on Independence Day. Doubt my resolve? Yesterday I wrote over 1,000 words emphatically arguing why it’s the perfect Fourth of July watch and I never even got to linger on its love of American ingenuity, celebration of fraternal friendship, or its inclusivity. Captain America: The First Avenger gives us a hero who is driven by the ideals of democracy. That is, he puts his life on the line because he doesn’t believe his life is worth more than his fellow American’s. We’re all the same to Steve Rogers and we’re all worth saving. – Meghan O’Keefe

Where to Stream Captain America: The First Avenger

'Rocky IV'


When I think of America, I think of “baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet.” Oh, and Rocky Balboa knocking the everliving crap out of that juiced-up commie Ivan Drago, too.

With all due respect to my Decider colleagues not named Josh Sorokach, there is no greater film to watch on the 4th of July than Rocky IV. (I know, I know — it’s a Christmas movie but bear with me.) Written by, directed by and starring the true American hero Sly Stallone, this rock ’em sock ’em 1985 masterclass in American Exceptionalism was singlehandedly responsible for the the fall of Communism. (Google it.)


A tremendous sentiment, no doubt, but here’s a pro tip: Don’t ever change, Rocky. Don’t ever change.

Have yourself a lovely Rocky IVth of July, everyone!—Mark Graham

Where to Stream Rocky IV