Did Rachel Dream Up All 10 Seasons Of ‘Friends’?

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You may recall the artwork on the cover of the DVD box set for Season 4 of Friends, which was released July 15, 2003 and featured all six main characters sleeping in a bed together but with only Rachel’s (Jennifer Aniston) eyes open. Well, apparently fans of the show are now (nearly 15 years later) speculating that the entire series was all in Rachel’s head. But did Rachel dream up all 10 seasons of the show? It’s highly unlikely, but we’ve heard some pretty interesting theories.

According to Buzzfeed, Twitter user @thetedfox sparked a serious debate Friday morning after noticing the cover art’s odd particular. Because Friends fans will never NOT chime in on a debate of any kind about the show, plenty of Twitter users took the opportunity to voice their opinion on the matter.

Some of the unique theories included that the show’s creators purposely highlighted her as the most “woke” character on the show as well as a comical one that Chandler (Matthew Perry), having a boner, in turn, woke her up. The most intriguing theory, however, centered around an anxiety-induced dream that Rachel had on the eve of her wedding:

Others chimed in to support the theory but in the end, that’s for you to decide. One reason why this theory doesn’t work is the fact that Rachel seems way too relaxed in the image. If anyone thought they had ditched their wedding during what was a 10-season-long dream only to wake up and find out they were still getting married, calm would be far from the appropriate state of mind.

Secondly, if she was waking up from a dream during which she made up these 5 fictional characters, why would they be there with her in the bed? That alone debunks the whole theory. Ultimately, however, the show’s creators are the only ones who could really elaborate on their reasoning behind the box art. Until then, we’re open to hearing any additional theories in the comments section below.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor