‘Some Kind of Wonderful’ Is The Punk Rock Version Of ‘Say Anything’

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John Hughes has gifted us with a number of classic films, but perhaps his most under-appreciated gem is the coming-of-age dramedy Some Kind of Wonderful. Written (but not directed) by the connoisseur of angst himself, this earnest ’80s movie tells a simple story about adolescent love as sensitive artist Keith (Eric Stoltz) scores a date with the most popular girl in school, Amanda Jones (Lea Thompson), much to the chagrin of his best friend Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson).

If the plot seems familiar it’s because Some Kind of Wonderful shares a few structural similarities with Cameron Crowe’s Say Anything, which was released two years after this particular John Hughes joint. I love a little “I gave her my heart; she gave me a pen” as much as the next guy, but I’m confounded by the disparity in popularity between these two films. Some Kind of Wonderful has been relegated to secret handshake status despite being better than most teen movies of the era. It may not have John Cusack playing “In Your Eyes” on a boombox, but don’t you dare sleep on the offbeat charms of this forgotten classic. 

The intro of the film is aggressively, wonderfully ’80s. I half expect Mr. T and Alf to pop out of the woods, shout “Where’s the beef?” and then talk about how the USSR is a legitimate threat to our civil liberties. Much of the conflict of the film derives from the social and economical hierarchy of high school, but how does one truly express to the audience that Keith, a character best described as the third best Bruce Springsteen album come to life, is from the wrong side of the tracks? Easy. Have him literally play chicken with a train by walking on the wrong side of the tracks.

Photo: STARZ

What Some Kind of Wonderful’s opening scene lacks in subtlety, the rest of the film recoups with its beating-heart sincerity.

The unconventional love triangle at the center of the movie is relatable to everyone, regardless of class or popularity. Hughes is a maestro at imbuing scripts with a delicate blend of angst and earnestness that elicit visceral reactions. The film, specifically Stolz’s Keith, possesses an aw-shucks idealism that takes a cinematic staple like young love, something we’ve seen thousands of times before, and makes it feel distinct. Different. Original. The movie acts as if nobody has ever been in love before — that what the characters are going through is wholly original and unlike any emotion anyone has ever experienced, which is perfect!

That’s exactly what your initial experience with that beautiful goblin known as young love tends to feel like.

‘Back to the Future’ is probably just a fad, right?Photo: Everett Collection

Some Kind of Wonderful isn’t sleek. It’s not the cool kid in class; it’s the future theatre major in the back making notes in a dogeared copy of Franny and Zooey while humming a David Bowie deep cut.

Despite some truly wonderful ’80s camp, the film has aged extremely well. It’s filled with impetuous, emotional eruptions and guileless moments of adolescent idiocy that we wish weren’t so damn relatable — but they are. No matter how polished of an adult we all pretend to be, we’ve all had dramatic declarations of love that are, in retrospect, mortifying… but probably not as mortifying as this:

“The only things I care about in this goddamn life are me and my drums and you.”

The end of the film is teenage ignorance personified, and I mean that in the best way possible. Sweet, sweet, dumb Keith cashes in his college tuition to buy Amanda a pair of diamond earrings… for a first date. If I even suggest dinner for an initial meet-up in today’s swipe-happy climate, ladies usually respond with a link that takes me to the Dictionary.com definition for the word “boundaries.”

Eventually, Keith realizes that despite the fact that he’ll have to soundproof the basement due to the constant drumming, he’s in love with Watts. He gives her the diamond earrings, which she accepts, so… I guess he’s broke and will remain a mechanic forever? Who cares! He’s a high school student in love! That’ll probably work out!

As much as I kid, the film is painfully reminiscent of the wide-eyed innocence of adolescence. Not only does Some Kind of Wonderful capture the essence of teenage sincerity and awkwardness, but the promo shots, which can best be described as “three people forced at gunpoint to take family portraits together at Sears,” evoke memories of cringe-worthy yearbook photos.

Lea Thompson: Hey, I think my eyes were closing in that last shot.
Director: Nah, you’re good.
Photo: Everett Collection

Some Kind of Wonderful excels at the little things. Bully turned ally Duncan is a certifiable scene-stealer; Craig “Uncle Keith on One Tree Hill” Sheffer doesn’t get nearly enough acclaim for reaching Billy Zabka-ian levels of ’80s teen movie deplorability; and let’s not forget the kiss. That kiss.

The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off may receive more praise, but all that’s needed for an entertaining night in is you, your drums, and Some Kind of Wonderful.

Some Kind of Wonderful is now streaming on STARZ.

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