‘Air Force One’ Gave Us One Of The Greatest Russian Villains Ever

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Air Force One

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Air Force One isn’t a particularly revolutionary movie; like many of the mid-90s action flicks that featured a spin on the hostage situation, its Die Hard-on-a-plane premise isn’t totally fresh. Fortunately, however, it’s saved by a stellar cast and a script that’s way too much of a thrill to walk away from. Harrison Ford‘s fearless leader/family man president gives you a protagonist to root for, and it’s a total treat to see him slip into his action instincts in this flick. Ford isn’t the MVP of Air Force One, though. No, that title belongs to Gary Oldman, who plays Russian villain Ivan Korshunov with an indulgent, charming wickedness that allows him to steal every scene he’s in. Korshunov, a politically motivated former Moscow Radio commentator, hijacks the plane in an attempt to force President Marshall to release his beloved Russian dictator General Ivan Radek from prison.

As soon as Oldman boards the plane with his group of “journalists”, it’s obvious that we’re about to be taken on a helluva ride. With those sensitive eyes and warm smile while boarding the plane under the guise of his news crew, it’s tempting to trust him, but because we know how these things go, it’s only a matter of time until his true colors are revealed. That hair, that goatee, that Russian temper – they all combine to make for the perfect baddie, one that both terrifies and entertains with every move he makes. It’s no secret that Oldman is one of the best actors working today, and it’s a pleasant surprise to see him deliver such a top-notch performance in what could be written off as popcorn fare.

Oldman’s Korshunov comes off as diplomatic at first, willing to stick to his set rules as long as his demands are met – then we see what he’s really capable of. This ruthless criminal mastermind will dispose of anyone who stands in the way of getting what he wants, and barely flinches when he executes innocent bystanders (even in front of the First Lady and the President’s young daughter). His performance is underplayed, and that’s why it’s so incredibly effective. Sure, there are plenty of fun, classic Russian villains that deliver mayhem with a wink and maniacal laugh, but Oldman’s calculating terrorist is much scarier than these kinds of performances. There’s a powerful rage in his eyes, a desperation that he only briefly allows us to see until everything goes to complete hell in the final act of the film. While Ford is a lead worth championing, Air Force One is never more exciting than when it puts Oldman center stage. There’s something too electric about his performance to ignore, and even when comparing Korshunov to the other villains Oldman has played, this Russian rebel still takes top prize.

Perhaps America’s favorite villain (besides the Nazis), evil Russians always tend to make for good cinema – especially if played by a charismatic actor. Even though Oldman is far from Russian, he nails his accent, never slipping into a silly “Soviet Russia” caricature (even when he’s yelling demands). Sure, Russian villains are an old trope, but boy, are they compelling. We’ve evidently never grown tired of them – The Americans is proof of that – and recent real life developments have certainly not helped the case to stop making villains out of our Cold War comrades. There’s nothing subtle about making bad guys out of these commies, but who cares? They’re reliably effective, and you can put just about any actor in the part. The shameless camp of it all is totally thrilling, and when you have a performer as talented as Oldman in a showdown like this opposite the quintessentially American Harrison Ford, you can’t help but hoot and holler at this sinister Soviet’s demise (and you strangely might even miss him once he’s gone).

Where to Stream Air Force One