Move Over, Melissa: This Scaramucci Impression Might Just Be Better Than McCarthy’s Sean Spicer

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This last year has left us with no shortage of impressions of White House Staff, and the MVP amongst the slew of characterizations this year undoubtedly went to Melissa McCarthy for her hilarious take on (the soon to be former) White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. What we have learned, however, is that the Trump administration seems to feature a bit of a rotating cast, a ridiculous cycle that has now presented us with White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci. Scaramucci, who is currently being torn apart across mediums for a wildly crass, revealing interview he gave to The New Yorker, feels like a try-hard Sopranos character come to life – and perhaps the easiest target for comedy ever.

Anthony Atanmanuik‘s The President Show did not ignore this glorious fact, and brought on Mario Cantone (Chapelle’s ShowSex and the City) to take on “The Mooch”. The results did not disappoint. “I’d like to introduce you to my favorite new team member who I will eventually betray, Anthony Scaramucciiiiiiiii!” Atanmanuik’s hilarious Trump wails, bringing out a composed Cantone. If the physical resemblance wasn’t enough, the uproarious initial love fest that goes down between the two kicks things off with an absurdly funny bang.

Cantone wasted no time in poking fun at The New Yorker scandal, mocking Scaramucci’s tirade about threatening to fire White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus (and a bunch of other employees). “I’m gonna fire so many people,” he says. “I don’t know who it’s gonna be, Reince, but I’m gonna get to the bottom of the leakage in the White House, you hear me, Reince?” His over enunciation is too delightful to resist, and he drives the over-the-top Italian persona home. “There’s an old Italian expression my mother used to use when somebody hurt her. She’d say, ‘Stick the umbrella up my ass, but don’t open it.”

“WOW!” Atanmanuik’s Trump declares. “I LOVE ethnics!” He deadpans. “And I love President Chump,” responds Cantone (much to Trump’s chagrin). “He’s the love of my life, and I love love, I love love, I can suck my own c*ck!” When confronted by reporters about the flip-flop nature of his politics, The Mooch and Trump are unsure who the question had been directed to, as they both seem to be guilty.

The accent, shit-eating grin, and hokey waves and air-kisses all come together to create the perfect package. McCarthy may be a total delight to watch take on Spicer (especially when we know how much it upsets Trump), but Cantone is damn near pitch-perfect.

No word yet on when Scaramucci will be written off this season of the Trump administration.

Where to Stream The President Show