The Portrayal Of Female Confidence In ‘The Incredible Jessica James’ Is Revolutionary

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The Incredible Jessica James

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The Incredible Jessica James is incredible in a lot of ways; its star, Jessica Williams, shines in every scene, the dialogue is quick and snappy, and the chemistry between the cast is nothing short of electric. One of the most memorable things about the film, however, is how it portrays female confidence. Women on screen – in romantic comedies, particularly – are often relegated to being bashful when they accept compliments, to craving validation from men, to doubting themselves openly and frequently. In The Incredible Jessica James, this is not the case. Sure, Jessica is human – she has doubts and worries about the future of her career, and she wonders if she’s doing what she’s supposed to or if she’s making mistakes with the people in her life. She’s a real person – a real person who also knows that she’s worthy, and that she shouldn’t be taken for granted. And that, in itself, is something revolutionary.

From the minute we meet her, we’re introduced to a frank, fresh honesty that continues for the duration of the film’s runtime. She addresses the camera head-on (though we soon find out she’s preaching truth to an unsuspecting Tinder date), and she doesn’t hold back. “I think it’s really dangerous to seek personal fulfillment through romantic relationships,” she nods solemnly. “You shouldn’t need other people to validate or define you.” This sentiment carries our leading lady throughout the rest of her story, and while sure, there are moments where she questions everything, she never allows herself to settle. She’s frank about not wanting to drink, about wanting to make her ex-boyfriend jealous, about the fact that she is not interested in sex – and will not be persuaded otherwise. Jessica owns the word “no” and her use of it is downright magical, every single time. There’s no question in her voice, no hint of ambiguity in her statements. She wants what she wants, and she lets you know. Jessica isn’t the only one who gets to exude this beautiful confidence, either; her best friend Tasha (played by the subtly uproarious, endearing Noël Wells) is sexually liberated as hell, owns her offbeat, strange acting career, and doesn’t care if her presence bothers you or takes up too much space. Women are here, and that’s that. You don’t get to make them feel like they don’t deserve a voice, or space, or opinion.

As soon as Chris O’Dowd‘s Boone enters Jessica’s life, sparks fly and her stunning self esteem continues. On their first date, she wastes no time in asking him why he got divorced, or telling him that she’s only really there because a friend thought it’d be good for her to get out there and move on from her ex. When Boone tells her that she’s nothing like his ex, either, she quickly responds “What, is she dumb, short, and fugly?” – and it’s laugh-out-loud funny, aided by the fact that Boone has nothing to offer in return but an awkward glance and serious response. “Honestly is like, the only thing that matters to me,” she tells him. And she never disappoints on this front, expressing her feelings and thoughts whenever they arise. Later, as he chases her down the street in an attempt to make amends for having a moment of weakness with his ex-wife, he proclaims that he “really likes her”. She barely misses a beat: “Yeah, Boone, of course you do. Everybody does. I’m freakin’ dope.” And with that metaphorical mic-drop, she walks away, rendering him speechless. When she’s ready to give him another shot, she does. She admits when she’s gone a little overboard, and is frank about her feelings – but doesn’t feel the need to apologize for them. Because they are valid – and that’s important.

In general, women in rom-coms wait to be swept off their feet. They pine for men who will work their way into their pants with a choice set of words or some kind of romantic gesture. There is none of this in The Incredible Jessica James. She is open about the fact that her past breakup is traumatizing her, and that she might have some regrets. If she’s not feeling the vibe of an interaction, she gets herself outta there – a welcome change from the rom-com lady who usually suffers through an uncomfortable date. She posts her rejection letters on the wall of her apartment, tells Tasha the brutally honest truth, and dances her heart out even when she hardly knows a soul. The best part about Jessica’s consistent confidence is that it’s utilized for both dramatic, honest moments and comedic beats – to great effect. It might be a bummer that it’s 2017 and we’re still waiting on self-assured leading ladies, but we couldn’t be more grateful for The Incredible Jessica James – because she is just that.

Stream The Incredible Jessica James on Netflix